Principles of New Media – The Tree

“The Tree” is an interactive installation that moves and reacts to its surrounding. The branches of the tree are attached to a rack and pinion mechanism which turns with the help of a servo motor. “The tree” is activated by various devices like PIR sensor/ultrasound sensor and photoresistors.

In this essay, I will be analyzing “the tree” and link it to the 5 principles of new media.

1- Numerical Representation refers to the digital code of the new media installation Just like how a mathematical equation equates to a solution. The numerical representation is processed by an algorithm which will translate it into an output or specific action. “The tree” consists of several numerical representations like

-The distance detected by the ultrasonic sensor will be classified under different range in our code (0-0.5m,0.5m-1.5 etc). The system will send out different signals to the servo motor when different distance are relayed by the ultrasound sensor. A closer range will result in a smaller movement by the motor while a further distance will result in a larger movement.
-The degree rotation of the servo motor. A servo motor can turn from 0-180 degree. However, we need to keep the maximum rotation of the servo motor at 160degrees to prevent the branches from overextending. The angle can also be decreased to create a less exaggerated movement of the branches. The value needs to be very precise just like how signs & decimal places will change the entire mathematical equation.
-The amount of light recorded by the photoresistor

2- Modularity refers to the independent elements that can be put together to form an installation. They are basically the hardware and software of the structure.

-Each set of branches can be considered as a module as they are connected to different servo motors which can be programmed to move differently without affecting other sets of branches.

-The photoresistors scattered radially from the tree. Each photoresistor functions independently as they are programmed to trigger different sound effect.

3- Automation occurs when the installation can move and interact with participants without the help of a physical person. Our tree is able to move and create sound effects by itself thanks to software like Processing and Arduino. These softwares are able to process codes which will relay information continuously to the tree resulting in automation. However, in order for the system to generate movement and sounds, its sensors need to be activated by a participant.

4- Variability refers to the different possibilities and different forms that the new media can exist in. Unlike old media where information presented is fixed, new media is able to react and present itself differently when the participant reacts differently to it. New media is able to receive varying input which leads to a unique output.

-Different participants will choose to stand at a different distance from the tree. Depending on the location that they are standing, they will trigger different photoresistors. The different outputs of “the tree” are the different sound effects and the direction and speed that the branches move in. The tree has low variability as the branches are programmed to move in only two manners – fast/slow.
Hence, if you stand from the tree at a far distance as an observer instead of the participant, you may think that the tree has no/low variability as it seems like the tree is just moving along with the sound effect/wind.

5- Transcoding occurs when “a computer layer” translate “a cultural layer”. It provides the audience with a new perspective. In our everyday lives, trees are just still objects that we pass by when we are travelling from places to places. We do not take notice of the slight movements of the branches and shade generated by the tree canopy which will be exaggerated by our tree installation.

Interactive Installations with similar concepts

Reach by Scott Garner. It is an interactive mural art that plays a different tone when participants touch the different stars and sun. The stars are connected to very strong resistors which can be affected by human touch and different resistance detected by the arduino will produce varying tone. The concept is similar but in our installation, the stars would be placed on the floor. We will replace the resistor system with a simpler circuit using switch and sponges. A piece of wire is placed on top on the sponge, hence it is an open circuit. When someone steps on the sponge, the circuit is closed and generate a sound output.