in 4D Foundation - 1, Assignment

4D Assignment 2 – The Hostage

Explanation :

Inspired by dramas and mainly horror films such as The Hostel, I wanted a concept revolving around a kidnapping and put a local twist on it.

I began with a newspaper article to give a an overarching concept of the story. I also wanted to introduce the hero of the narrative in the first scene. By using a light sepia tone in the darkness, I wanted to create a more suspenseful atmosphere and introduced the villain in the form of a dark silhouette. I used the casting of the shadow of the villain to symbolise his evil status. Using different camera angles I wanted to give a voyeuristic view for the audience and to have empathy for the hero. I also used focus on the foreground and blurring the backgrounds for certain scenes to give depth. I wanted to follow the three act structure but at the same time give a twist by having her not fully recover from the main ordeal she had undergone. I also wanted to make use of motion blur to show movement and desaturated the images to convey the monotonous sadness in the film. Following the three act structure, I wanted to end with the hero returning safely but add on the twist at the end. I also used an array of camera angles to capture different images such as using a low angle to show the space of the living conditions of the hostage and using an aerial shot to capture the cutting scene.