

  1. ARCHIVAL : Time, determined by the archiving of a certain phase/ordeal/event in which is kept for memory or data. Both online and offline. In example, like a journal or a social media platform.
  2. GROWTH: A lifespan bounded by uncertainty. Growth in age and mental state. An upgrade of sorts towards a certain being. In which occurs in social media as well. In example, the number of likes and dislikes according to how they act on a certain social media platform. In which leads to the identity that they put up, be it a false one or not.

3. SCIENCE: Time determined by day and night. Another issue related to Science would be the Chaos Theory, Butterfly Effect. A definite input that will lead to and indefinite output overtime. From minor changes in which can occur in Social Media as well. I.e. FAME, SUCCESS, LOOKS. How your public identity is treated in the long run.

4. INTERNET: A timeless ‘world’ that everyone goes to for both personal and public ‘pleasure’ /activities to please themselves. A platform created by the creativity of many in which, Social Media is one of the platforms for everyone to express themselves. An identity created on how they want others to see, in which debates the idea of whether it is a false facade or not. The way one is treated by people on what they post online and how one acts. Identity, what is it?


Time // Work in Progress__

Time // Work in Progress__

This is a record of my perception about time. Personally, I feel that time comes in different categories in which all of it can overlap within one another. Time is a temporary yet ongoing measurement to keep track of an ordeal. It can also be seen as the ideology of archiving certain data; like a journal or a diary.

  1. ARCHIVE – journal / diary
  2. GROWTH – puberty / phase
  3. SCIENCE – Parallel Universe / Chaos Theory
  4. INTERNET – Social Media / Identity / Views / Ever-changing