Week 7 Journal

If you could have a room of your own, how would you set about decorating it? Chinoiserie? Japonaiserie?

Neither to be frank…hahaha. If I could have my way to design my own room I will definitely have a room based on Batman as I am a huge fan since young. As a collector of figurines, I will have glass showcases lines up along the walls to display my figurines and statues.

Victorian Bedroom Canopy Bed Red Painted Wall Traditional Bedroom Furniture


But I have always liked the victorian look. My favorite colour is maroon. I will definitely have a room which is black and maroon with victorian style wallpapers and a canopy bed with net draped over it. I really  love stained glass. Might even throw in a stained glass window to bring in the surreal feel to the room. :<D


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Malik is an aspiring film maker who is also an freelance enrichment Art and Media trainer.

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