Essay Proposal

3) What are Chinese ceramics? Compare two ceramics found on a shipwreck.




  • Chinese ceramic ware is artwork made of clay that has benefitted many different


cultures. This ceramic ware also covered about 45 centuries of Chinese history and


represents innovation, trade, and global impact.


  • Evolution of Chinese ceramics between the white splashed green ceramic pieces and the more elaborate gold and silver has developed through trade relations with the middle east and other countries
  • Thesis: Green Chinese ceramics and more elaborate gold or silver Chinese ceramics, as seen in the Tang shipwreck, evolved due to the heavy prevalence of trade with other countries.

Body Paragraphs:

  • Chinese kilns produced white vessels speckled with green coloring, which appealed to the Islamic Middle East
  • Most of these white with green ceramics were created in the Gangxian kilns in the Henan province of China, but also were seen from the Tang shipwreck
  • Designs on the white speckled green ceramics, such as floral patterns, was developed in the Abbasid Empite in Iran, which led to Chinese artists adopting the pattern. This shared artistic pattern signifies the historic trading relationship between China and the Middle East
  • Gold and silver luxurious ceramics were mostly made in southern China, but mostly fled China due to the expense and was being produced in more wealthy seaports
  • Finely craft gold and silver ceramics were enjoyed at the Imperial court and delivered to Java and the Middle East probably as gifts for foreign merchants and leaders


3 thoughts on “Essay Proposal”

  1. Good start but the introduction could be a bit more specific in terms of definitions, terms, and dates.
    Claim is good, but it is still too broad. It needs to be tighter. Can you frame it as a comparison? Are you comparing Chinese ceramics with Middle Eastern ones? Is this wise? You need to research two different traditions…

    Where is the plan for your essay?
    Your bibliography?

    1. Bibliography

      1) “Tang Shipwreck.” Tang Shipwreck. Accessed February 24, 2016.

      In this museum website source, the tang shipwreck is discussed in detail through text and images. Many varieties of ceramics are displayed on the website and explained how they are important and relevant in the Tang Shipwreck. There was a heavy influence of trade amongst the Chinese and Middle Eastern people, which was reflected in the numerous ceramic pieces in the different coloring patterns that was a mixture of both the Chinese and the Middle Eastern cultures. For example, the white ceramic pieces decorated with green or blue coloring reflected both the Chinese culture traditional white ceramics with a Middle Eastern twist due to the blue or green patterns on the bowls that resembled the Middle Eastern culture on a ceramic. Overall, trading amongst cultures can be understood well through the pottery seen from the Tang Shipwreck.

      2) Worrall, Simon. “Tang Shipwreck.” National Geographic. June 2009. Accessed February 20,


      3) “Evolution of Chinese Ceramics and Their Global Influence Are Theme of Entirely New

      Installation on Metropolitan Museum’s Great Hall Balcony.” Evolution of Chinese Ceramics and Their Global Influence Are Theme of Entirely New Installation on Metropolitan Museum’s Great Hall Balcony. September 14, 2012. Accessed February 24, 2016.

      4) “Guide to Chinese Ceramics – The Art of Asia.” Guide to Chinese Ceramics – The Art of Asia. Accessed February 20, 2016.

  2. *Intro needs more information. you need to introduce the shipwreck. then introduce what was found in it and how you plan to only focus on two types of ceramics found on it.
    *Good comparison, but a the claim a bit broad. Frame it more as a comparison (similarities and differences).
    *How many body paragraphs are you planning to have? You can only have 2-3 body paragraphs for this essay.
    *A plan for the paper would help figure out your body paragraphs.

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