Assignment 2

It is very impressive to read about someone who has thrown into a whole new world based on an idea that may seem crazy. It is really hard to cut a pattern and for me it can compares with finding a color that not exist already. It takes a lot of creativity to do something like that.

I think the music piece overall is pretty interesting. I was wearing my headphones and closed my eyes when I listened to the piece of music and it was a bit of an experience. I felt like I was in a horror movie and was chased by some kind of alien in a church. Some parts of the music were actually a bit scary, some of them really hurt my ears and others were beautiful. I think I never will put on a music piece like this at home and enjoy it because it will probably give me nightmares. But like the text tells, the music was not entirely satisfactory and that kind of music was not fully developed yet.
But I actually think that it would be perfect as a background music in a movie for example because it really painted up a story. I can really feel like a ball bouncing around in a crystal not knowing about what is about to come. Thera are no rules and is not linked with science.

I think a lot of lot of the electric music today is a bit unpredictable just like his musical work, Poeme Electronique. You can really hear that the modern Electronic music is born from this idea.

Assignment 1

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Luigi Russolo’s manifesto is about how you can use everyday sounds to compose music. I think almost everyone at the beginning will think, why would you do that? The more I think of it I realize that we are limited to what tones and sounds we think are right and beautiful to listen to. Luigi writes in the manifesto that a long time ago we only had silence except from noise from the nature like storms, hurricanes and so on. Therefor the humans became really amazed about the first instrumental sounds.
As time pass by we get to know more different kinds of sounds and after a while we get use to the sound and can not hear it anymore. I think that is why people have a hard time thinking everyday sounds is music. We are not thinking outside the box.

I believe the sound piece is shaped of sounds from airplanes, propellers or at least rotating items combined with sounds from the nature. The sound is played at different speeds and different loud sounds. The dramatic parts is when the speed is at its fastest and the sound is loud. It is hard for me to think of this as music, as I normally would think this type of sound is a bit annoying.  But I find it interesting that some people do think this is music. As we always in some way is ending up being tired of the music we are listening to we have to widen our minds and think of it from another perspective as Luigi Russolo says:

“We must replace the limited variety of timbres of orchestral instruments by the infinite variety of timbres of noises obtained through special mechanisms.”