in Identity 2

Identity 2 – Jackie 1961


This 6-page spread was inspired by the bohemian maximilism style of Gucci fashion catalogues. I wanted to challenge myself to see how I could incorporate my style into a brand’s aesthetic and decided to feature a classic black Jackie 1961 handbag. The spread showcases the versatility of the Jackie handbag in casual daily routines, be it when you’re rushing off to a place or chilling in a cafe. As Gucci is most well-known for it’s headscarf aesthetic, I thought it would be a great opportunity to feature a hijabi model, who also happens to be my dear friend.

As I was featuring a famous brand, I also wanted to incorporate how my photographs would look like on huge billboards, hence the spread consists of a combination of photographs and billboard mockups.


Previous Jackie 1961 Campaigns

I researched on how the Jackie bag was photographed in campaigns. I quite like the candidness and simplicity of the spread and thought it would be a great way to photograph someone who isn’t familiar with being in front of the camera.

Bag-centric situations

Maximilism + Bohemian Outfits + Flash

Billboards + Wall Posters

Final Photographs

Shot by me

Billboard Mockups

Final Spreads

Link to Google Drive: