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Research: Healthy 365 App


Healthy 365 App. Image Source:

Healthy 365 App is a health and diet tracking app (can be downloaded from App Store and Google Play Store) that has been implemented by Singapore’s Health Promotion Board.

The free app enables you to track your daily steps count and calculate the corresponding calories burned as you move.​​ It also helps to track your daily food & drinks intake and the corresponding calories consumed. ​

By putting together the concept of caloric balance, the Healthy 365 app provides an overview of your overall daily calories consumed and burned, aiding you in your weight management journey for a healthier lifestyle.

(n.d.). Retrieved September 05, 2017, from


This is one of the ways that has been done to promote healthy lifestyle. It is a good app as it helps user to track the amount of calories intake, their diet, steps they take everyday and reward them if they complete a challenge.

However, I realised that it does not tell user if there is a healthier food option/ what they should eat or consume less and the benefits of each product/ meal. I feel that there should be more information/ education on the food that they consume and promoting plant-based diet.