Week 1  : Sequential Black & White


3 x 3 of sequential black & white paper cut outs - Scott Lim

3 x 3 of sequential black & white paper cut outs – Scott Lim

This is an overall image to show the sequential black and white paper cut outs for DA2002. The first homework of the semester!

It depicts the transient nature of life, capturing the fundamental moments that affect us in this present day and age.

A short narrative of each individual piece can be found below.

 The Journey

B&W Cuttings 1

Life is a journey that takes us far into the beyond. However, we never know where the path we’ve chosen may lead us. What lies ahead?

Dismissed Warnings

B&W Cuttings 2

A sign is merely an indicator for us to interpret. We perceive these symbols with our sense of perception and inherited knowledge from society’s paradigm. What does this icon mean to you? Do we know it as a ‘U-turn?’ If so, do we turn back?



B&W Cuttings 3

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are vessels used by extraterrestrial beings. In the TV series “Taken” by Steven Spielberg, we see how UFOs beam waves of light and abduct people. In coherence to our modern life, the UFO is a symbol for technology kidnapping society away from authentic living. The iconic WIFI logo replicates the beams of light that grabs astray victims.


Stepping Back

B&W Cuttings 4

After abduction comes the torture. This piece communicates the psychedelics one goes through after being seized by the aliens. The conflicting balance of rotations in the larger diagonal to vertical small squares, gives the effect of confusion and unconsciousness; a brief realisation that something has gone wrong.


B&W Cuttings 5

One cannot fully rectify his/her mistakes, but merely mitigate their forthcomings.  Learning from the past allows us to make better decisions in the future. This piece is conveying the notion that we should look within ourselves, to understand who we were before we can know what we want to be. The little star in the middle represents the past, while the large Sun portrays our future.


B&W Cuttings 6

Inspired by the poem “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou. This direct representation of a Caged Bird, which thematically gives effects of entrapment. In retrospect, society itself is confined and isolated in our own bubble.


B&W Cuttings 7

Repetition…Repetition….Repetition… Our daily affairs consist of monotonous and mundane activities. We go through the same motion everyday, in a circadian manner. This piece uses the snail and leading lines to give effect for a painstakingly slow journey.

False Devotion

B&W Cuttings 8

The penultimate piece is the underlying root to all the problems faced by society. We have an altered paradigm, that we signify social media over the importance of healthcare or religion.

When we take these inherently good places for granted and place our worship with social media or technology, is when we begin our journey to abduction.

On the other hand, when we capacitate all these qualities and effects from the previous pieces, we would be taking steps to the path of freedom.


B&W Cuttings 9

The leading lines all converge to one focal point. To some, you may be travelling on a train to venture distances beyond. Others may view it as steps leading to one’s salvation. Which ever way you see it, accepting and learning from one’s mistakes, is key to trudging forward.