in Gaia


Final Model, Autumn Falling, I had to incorporate the idea of Ikebana, Autumn, food as well as Model 1 in Phase 2 together. Using the main concept of autumn, I came up with the dessert.


In Autumn, the leaves of deciduous trees begin to fall after turning orange. 

Cone (dominant): acts as the main bark of the tree and covered in orange due to association of autumn and falling leaves.

Sphere (sub-ordinate): SO acts as the "head" of a tree while the cereal on the SO acts as shedding leaves, hence the many crumbs and branches fallen on the plating.

Cylinder (sub- dominant): acts as the logs and fallen tree trunks in a forest.

Despite the autumn season, the presence of the autumn yellow flower, Sternbergia, is still present. This gives a sense of warmth as well.

Hence, the dessert, Autumn Falling, because Autumn is often referred to as Fall and also because of the image of falling orange leaves during autumn.


Final Food Model Analysis

Analysis of Autumn, Ikebana and Food usage


Concept Comparison to final model
Falling trees and branches Cone: Tree

Cylinder: Logs of trees

Sphere: Leaves

In autumn, Deciduous Trees lose their leaves. Similarly, I wanted to portray a similar effect. Hence, on the base plate, there are many branches and crumbs of cereal.

Brown and Orange and Yellow flower (Sternbergia) These are the key colours in the season of autumn. Hence, my group decided to use these colours as the main anchor for our group. We all used different types of food to showcase the season of autumn while still having the same theme and colour.

Sternbergia, yellow flower, is also an autumn flower that blooms while the season changes. This is also a group item that all the autumn final models have. We wanted to showcase that even in the mists of change from summer to winter, during the dull autumn, flowers still bloom.

Season of Harvest Autumn is often known as the season of harvest and some of the common harvested foods are pumpkin and pomegranate. (refer to research)

Hence, for the food within the cone, I made pumpkin egg pudding to represent the relation to autumn instead of simply using colours to reference to the idea of autumn.


Concept Comparison to Final Model
Shin, Soe, Hikae Shin (Heaven), Soe (Human), Hikae (Earth) is a key concept in Ikebana. (Refer to research slides) I wanted to include this idea as it was interesting to me.

Shin (Heaven): Flower branch (tallest branch) — Heaven is the highest and most holy place, respected and people earn to go there.

Soe (Human): Thinner and shorter brunch that curls around the cone — The curling of the branch suggests a sense of vulnerability to showcase how we may be weak.

Hikae (Earth): Fallen branches — Showcases the earth and ground in which we walk.

Sternbergia (Yellow flower) Sternbergia, is an autumn flower and this was key because ikebana is often related to seasons and the types of flowers used changes according to the different seasons to showcase different atmospheres. (refer to research)


Type of Food used Reason for use
Pumpkin egg Pudding Autumn is the season of harvest especially for food like pumpkin.

Furthermore, pumpkin is an important ingredient for the festivals in autumn such as Halloween (Jack-o’-lantern) and Thanksgiving (Pumpkin Pie).

Cone – Large Ice cream Cone

Cylinder – Chocolate Biscuit rolls

The large cone is required in order to hold the pumpkin egg pudding.

Since my final model is a dessert, I felt that it was important to use some typical sweet food items.

Sphere – Chocolate with cereal The cereal, acted as leaves, had the colour of light brown with sugar coated on them. Hence, it created the shimmery feeling similar to how it is magical when the autumn leaves fall creating a scene of red and orange.

The chocolate is used as it is able to be molded to certain shapes and allows the cereals to be embedded within.


Final Amendments to create Autumn Falling


Improvements made:

  • Increased the height and curvature of the branch and the flowers in order to create a more vulnerable feeling as well as a possible new SO which is the void encompassed by the branch and the flower.
  • The SD, that was originally too bulky, is now reduced in numbers and size. 1/3 of the Cylinders now pierce through the 1/3 mark of the cones.

Other comments:

  • The usage of the Aluminum foil was to secure the cone as it was difficult to balance the cone with the pudding inside.
  • Whereas the orange wrap was to cushion the cone in case of any fall of the cone. At the same time, orange is also associated with the change in season from summer to winter. Hence, I felt that it was important to use this concept in my final model.


Group Performances:



I think it was very interesting for us to experiment with the food and also find out how D, SD, SO and curvy linear is applied to our daily lives even though we may not observe it. Through this project, I also learnt about the independent, dependent and precarious orientation to bring about different effects. The project also allowed me to use my creativity to gather knowledge on autumn and ikebana. Eventually placing them both together and applying it to my final food model. Overall, it was a very fun project and I truly enjoyed it!


  1. Shin Yi can you include a quick hand-drawn Sketch of the revised Food Model instead of just writing in text? How much higher would your branch go? How big would the void framed by the branch be? etc. Help your viewer to visualize this. Thanks.

    Similar to Dan’s hotdog cluster, I think your chocolate loveletters can be reduced to maybe 3 or just 1 and ideally pierced through the cone at 1/3 height from the base. At the moment it’s overall mass and length is contesting with the (D)cone. and also concealing the tip of the cone, which is a pity.

    I did not quite follow the need for the aluminium foil. What was inside your cone? Were you worried it would leak? I think a more uniform ‘finish’ for the cone would have been less distracting. I think you could have also created more tension with your spherical chocolate by displacing it to the edge of the cone so that it looks like it will topple over. It looks too safe and centralized now to merit as a “special” SO finishing touch to the composition…