in Gaia


In Phase 1, I generally focused on getting the concept and formed different structures in diagonals using Spheres, Cones and Cylinders.

Model 1:

Cone - Dominant

Sphere - Sub-ordinate

Cylinder - Sub-dominant

I made use of the “Zig-Zag” idea to create model 1. At the same time, learning from project 1, the use of thirds was also extremely useful in this project as well.


Model 2:

Cone - Sub-ordinate

Sphere - Sub-dominant

Cylinder - Dominant


For this model, I wanted to create a more unbalanced look. It is important that I made use of the diagonals. I also made used of a large dominant on a smaller sub-dominant to show a tilted feeling.

Model 3:

Cone - Sub-ordinate

Sphere - Dominant

Cylinder - Sub-dominant

For the final model, I wanted to create a leaning on, “domino” effect feeling. Hence, the sphere leans on the cylinder and the cylinder leans on the cone.


These are my 2D analysis of my models in Phase 1.

  1. Thanks Shin Yi for selecting views that allow for comparison of diameters and lengths of your D, SD, SO Curvilinear Volumes! The annotation for your 2D Sketch Analysis is very fine and quite a strain for the viewer’s eyes though. Would be great if you can enlarge your handwriting a little more next time!