Week 7: Journal

If you could have a room of your own, how would you set about decorating it? Chinoiserie? Japonaiserie? Check out the video about a Chinoiserie room on this web site: http://www.gladstonehotel.com/spaces/417-chinoiserie-room/

I prefer Chinoiserie for its whimsical designs. Chinoiserie is a style inspired by China, Japan and other Asian countries designs. Personally I really like landscape paintings on porcelain from China. It looks interesting and refreshing to look at and to have this kind of design within the room I think it would be a wonderful experience to have. Since Chinoiserie is made up of an imaginary China, it enables one to have an experience of something different beyond their usual space. I like how the patterns feel so synchronize and within the pattern it may tell a story. It is like reading a picture book on a wide wall. The little details contain within works of Chinoiserie intrigue me, and made me think about what was the artist thinking of the story behind this image that was drawn, what kind of interesting characters were being drawn to create life within this space. In the process it feel as if my room would become a space that creates inspirations and an imaginary place for me.

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If I would to set about my decoration I would like to keep it as simple as possible cause if there are too many things within the space it would be painful to look at when the purpose of having a room of my own is to relax within the space.


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