Hyperessay #1: Concepts in Sound Art

By: Randall Packer |

Due: Tuesday, October 10

This semester we have discussed the work of composers and sound artists, as well as reviewed key concepts of sound and its relation to media art. For the first Hyperessay assignment, students will write a summary by synthesizing ideas culled from your research posts, as well a ideas that you have put into practice in the micro-projects.

We have discussed the work of composer/artists Luigi Russolo, Edgard Varese, and John Cage, discussing their ideas concerning noise, texture, and indeterminacy. We have also reviewed the work of contemporary sound artists Bill Fontana and Janet Cardiff, considering the kind of sonic experimentations that are practiced today.

We have worked on three micro-projects, which explore collaboration (Real-Time Aggregation), appropriation of found sounds (Sounds of the City), and sonic integration with video (Digital Landscapes). In the latter project, we are interested in Interactivity, how real-time audio-visual works incorporate performance interaction in their realization.

Write a 500 word hyperessay synthesizing the results of what you have learned and practiced so far this semester. You don’t have to discuss everything we have talked about, but focus on what has been interesting and applicable to the creation of your projects. In other words, I am interested in how history and theory as informed and strengthened your understanding and execution of your sound and audio-visual projects.

Be sure and reference quotes from readings, ideas discussed in class, and the results of your work. You can refer to your OSS posts and journal writings to pull together your research for the hyperessay. Use relevant images, video, links, and quotes. Be concise, specific, and conclusive. I am looking for your own subjective response to the works and ideas, but be sure and support your response with specific examples.

Use the category: Hyperessay.

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