Interactive Art Inspirations (Week2)


Heartbeat: 100,000 Illuminated Balloons 

By Charles Pétillion


So during our second class, we were divided into teams and were tasked to come up with an installation idea. My Team came up with the Cell-phone Orchestra. From a simple idea of mixing light with sound, adding the power of a large audience and audience interaction. Prof then recommended us this installation by Charles Petillion! A light “orchestra” using balloons. I really love this, it’s so mesmerising to watch! I can’t imagine actually being there!




WASO Tea House –

Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup

by Teamlab


When tea is poured into a teacup flowers bloom inside the cup. Move the teacup or pick it up and all of the flower petals scatter and spread outside of the cup. As long as there is tea in the cup, flowers will continue to appear and bloom. The artwork appears for the first time when there is tea in the cup; when the tea is gone, the artwork disappears. The work is rendered in real time by a computer program; it is not a prerecorded video. The artwork is influenced by the viewers, as their behavior causes continual change and transformation. This moment of the artwork can never be seen again and a previous state will never be repeated.

※You can enjoy this tea for free.


I really want to do a project focussing on the relationship between us and nature. How we are all connected and each connected is different and personal.


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