The Last Emperor: Inflection and Reflection

The medium of film represents a very powerful and fluid entity. Both a subject of influence and as well as a means of it. In this essay I am going to explore the film, The Last emperor, by Bernardo Bertolucci in the viewpoints of both inflection and reflection. What shapes and serves as influences for a film and what it, in turn, in its ability to reach out to the masses, influence the greater sphere of not just the viewers within the confines of the cinema, but society at large. The study of the so-called “transnationalism” of Chinese film into the mainstream of global audience is a great case study for the fundamental workings of the world, in both its inflection and reflection of the world we live in as well as of the contenders involved in the filmic process.


Prison inmates watching a communist propaganda depiction of history of the Sino-Japanese war.

By using this film as a gateway into the inner workings of this complex trans-national relationship between China and Hollywood, I am going to explore issues that are not unique solely to this film, but found in the wider vocabulary of trans-national Chinese Hollywood cinema sphere and its implication on the wider context of society. I am therefore breaking down the film into four themes namely:

– The colonist mode of cinematic visuality

– The Fu Manchu construct

– The Gaze

– Amorphous Representation

In my analysis I will not be analysing the film in isolation, but by showing its reflection on the bigger Chinese filmic temperament in Hollywood in bringing in examples to not only concretize the issues found in The Last Emperor, but also to bring forth my notion of Reflection and Inflection

Presenting to you Bernardo Bertolluci’s The Last Emperor (1987)


The coronation scene involving thousands of actors and extras in the Forbidden City of China.

The last Emperor is a trans-national production involving both Hollywood and Chinese production companies and distributed my mainstream Hollywood distributor, Colombia pictures. The film chronicles the life of Puyi, the last ruling emperor of China from a child emperor to an adult, progressing through the various transformative periods of China, from the imperial monarchy of Ancient China, the Republican era, the Sino-Japanese War and the beginnings of the Cultural Revolution. The narrative of the film closely follows Puyi in his perpetual conquest for power at the same time immersing the audience in the dynamism of shifting cultural and historical landscape of China. The film was no doubt a Hollywood success with box office hits and had clinched 9 Oscars at the 1988 academy awards.

There were many elements in the film that struck me as being extremely peculiar. I recently wrote a personal review on this film. I will not be covering the issues I have with this film on a personal basis. However the unease that this film imbued in me unveil my journey in my exploration of the inner working of the Hollywood construct of Chinese films. The more I delved into this films, the more trends I start to identity and the picture starts to add up.

The Colonist Mode of Cinematic Visuality.


“Who is this George Washington?”

In The Last Emperor, young Puyi is introduced to a tutor, Reginald Johnston. In Puyi’s isolated world within the walls of the Forbidden City, Johnston seems to be his only trusted source of reliable information and very soon becomes his confidante. The start of this formidable friendship is represented by Pu Yi entrusting him on his secret mice that resides in his sleeve. Through the film, we see Johnston being the voice of reason and rationality and the advocator of the ideas of freedom and modernity. This can be seen in the scene when Johnston gives the bicycle (modernity) to Puyi, who attempts to use it to exit the gate of the Forbidden City (freedom) and Puyi insisting that he should get spectacles on the recommendation of Johnston and the doctor (rationality). Jenny Georges aptly describes The Last Emperor as “relying on old tropes about China and the Chinese. The man of honor, knowledge and authority tries to open the emperor’s eyes to the truth”.


“please do not tell anyone about my mouse”

“Everything west is good. especially Wrigley’s chewing gum, Bayer aspirin, and cars”. This statement represents the character’s love for all things west, but it also enunciates the point on western superiority that all it takes is the introduction of an English tutor that causes the emperor of china to subscribe to western ideals.


“I like all things western…”


Puyi singing “Am I Blue” after his eviction from the forbidden city.

Despite Bertolucci’s approach of showing the power imbalance between the West and the East being more nuanced compared to other movies, this theme of the white man, arriving at an exotic and distant land and performing his “prescribed’ roles of a savior is a common narrative in many Hollywood films. Jing Yang describes it as the prescribed notion of the “West’s Orientalist discourse about China”, “establishes the cultural, hierarchical and gendered relationship of the East- West encounter”. This practice of representing the white man as the savior and Chinese (often female) as the damsel in distress has been a common notion since Chinese and Asians started to be represented in the films of the West. Daniel Bernardi’s states that the likes of such films underscores the issues of power, control representation and American imperialism.


Prisoners singing propaganda songs.

The presentation of the Anglo American superiority is not only embodied in the introduction of the character Johnston as the high tutor, but also in a political and ideological sense, can be seen through the negative portrayal of the imperial regime as being “oppressive and cruel while forcing the people to submit to a rigid ideology” (George). The film transitions to the Maoist communist China but even without the direct reference to its ineptness, the film’s cleverly portrays the underwhelming state of progress that happens despite the constantly changing political landscape of the county. At the end we still see an oppressed and backward state, very much like the initial portrayal of imperial China. One thing to note however is the use of colour to show the irony of China’s “progress”. Imperial China was presented as a visual spectacle. The hyper reality of the saturated colours and the “dazzling arrays of phantasmagoric golds and yellows” (Rey Chow) contrasting with the “drab blues and greys” of the communist world. The “flourishing’ of the communist party is being presented in a cyclical notion that the Chinese political state is reverted back to its original suppression of freedom and power. Johnston serves as the audience’s reference for the benchmark of human righteousness, the moral being that uphold the western ideas and elicit a negative gaze on the imperial characters and on a bigger scale as a political standpoint. Chairman Mao has taken on the helm of Fu Machu on the Hollywood tradition as the antagonist of the Yellow Peril.


Colours of imperial China


The lack of, in communist China

Dr. Fu Manchu was the birth child of “the British popular literary imagination” (Kenneth Chan) in 1883, Birmingham England. During the period of 1920 to 1960s this nefarious creation of oriental discourse of British colonialism combined with the sentiments of the yellow peril, started to populate the silver screens of mainstream Hollywood. The Fu Machu character is essentially the amplification of the Euromerican fear and desire of the ancient other (Gina Marchetti) stemming from the “colonist and imperial discourse” (Kenneth Chan) The Fu Manchu characters were diabolical Asians “with great subtlety and infinite patience”.

There may be no apparent Fu Manchu characters in this film, but by bringing up the origins of a character such as Fu Manchu, we see the ideological rational behind such a filmic construct which emphasises the westerner’s portrayal of the otherness as a lowly entity. The scene in which the eunuch is forced to drink the ink, or when the Lord Chamberlain explains the senseless dictation of prohibiting the emperor from wearing spectacles, to the selfish intention of keeping the emperor within the bounds of the forbidden city are all Fu-Machu-esque examples of Chinese (in)sensibilities.


The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu (1929)

The idea of the White Savior is nothing new, the macho projection of the cathartic desire of the society at large (male majority) is reflected in the films produced in Hollywood. Films like the world of Susie Wong (1960) and more recently films such as The Flowers of War (2011) and The Great Wall (2016), both directed by fifth generation auteur Zhang Yimou which features the incongruous insertion of a white protagonist (Christian bale and Matt Damon respectively) in a Chinese narrative world. The discourse in such ethnic castings are being criticized as the “vulgar profanity of injecting eroticism into a national tragedy” (Jing Yang) and Taiwanese American Actress Constance Wu criticized The Great Wall in her statement “We don’t need salvation. We like our color and our culture and our own strengths and our own stories.”


Christian Bale in The Flowers of War (2011)


Matt Damon in the upcoming Zhang Yimou spectacle, The Great Wall (2016)

Therefore, Bertolucci and the bubble of his white male dominated world is inflected in the political and charactorial depictions of this film. With Johnston as the White Knight in the film, contrasting with the barbaric, irrational and ridged nature of the imperial (and subsequently the communist) construct in China. This is an unfortunate reflection of the deep rooted perception of the Chinese people in the western subconscious. The Fu Manchu depiction of Chinese characters in Hollywood films.

The Gaze.


The high consorts spying at the emperor from a distance

In the early 1900, the competition between Asians and unskilled American laborers caused negative attitude and stereotypes in the US. Public pressure gave rise to the passing of certain laws that force the Asian minorities in the US to less rewarding jobs and subsequently physically constraining them into the Chinatowns. Very Quickly the chinatowns became tourist attracts “the Caucasians visited the Chinatown sections in san Francisco to see the strange and exotic sights.” Which introduces my point about the gaze or what I would like to also refer to as “cinematic tourism”. The voyeuristic pleasures of looking into the peep hole of a stranger’s life and the intrigue and curiosity it brings forth. This is evident in a statement made by Bertolucci himself as he recalls his experience of going to China:

“I went to China because I was looking for fresh air… For me it was love at first sight. I loved it. I thought the Chinese were fascinating. They have an innocence. They have a mixture of a people before consumerism, before something that happened in the West. Yet in the meantime they are incredibly sophisticated, elegant and subtle, because they are 4,000 years old. For me the mixture was irresistible”


Chinatown, Early 1900s

Rey Chow further goes on to describe that Bertolucci’s statement is a “paradoxical conceptual structure that is ethnocentric” the paradox being his admiration for the “other” (orient) is actually “rooted in un-self-reflexive, cultural coded perspectives.” This analogy of the “cinematic tourism” bring forth the idea that the gazer is one constructing the image where the enjoyment of the “tourist” (viewer) derives itself from a projection of personal desires. “The cinema audience becomes vicarious tourists from whom “Chine” is served on screen” (Rey Chow).  Janice Mouton states that the image of the Orient has been fashioned by the west’s “creative imagination” according to a “logic” governed by “a battery of desires, repression, investments and projections.”

Kenneth Chan described the gaze as the “issue of power relations”, the notion that the filmmaker has the power over the audience in where to point the lens and therefore control over the images being shown. The study of this cinematic language is, according to Kenneth an important critique of the orient discourse as it points the lens back to the filmmakers. A counterintuitive inflective study on the people behind the camera as opposed to those in front. I am going to split this category into 2 sub points namely the Portrayal of female Sexuality and Spectacle Exoticism of the Orient.

Portrayal of female Sexuality.

In Jeffery Scone’s definition of exploitation in Hollywood cinema, he states that exploitation “is how paradoxically, part of the dominant taste , and its processes and discourse have become integral to cinema’s official and mainstream manifestation”. With the silver screen being the blank canvas for Western imagination and desires, the orient female sexuality is often put into the spotlight in Chinese Hollywood films. Anna May Wong, often touted as the first Chinese American movie star recounts how she has to cue her body in accordance with a potentially attractive exotic image such as swaying body hinting an illicit sexuality or a kneeling body conveying voluntary enslavement in order to strategies her minority position in Hollywood. (Mary Ann, Yingjin) A very telling account on the culture of exploitative fantasy of the female spectacle present in Hollywood.


Anna May Wong

Rey Chow describes the last emperor as a feminized space of “eroticism” where the women characters are “pushed to an astructual outside”. The High consorts, empress, second consort and the wet nurse “appear as objects of pleasure” that is being “strung together through a narrative that remembers them as gratifying female breasts, partners in sex games, perverse lesbians, and opium smokers.” The wet nurse for instance is depicted as an eroticized love for the young Puyi, and is depicted as a submissive subject of male sexual desire. The portrayal of the High consort in the scene following the doctor’s diagnosis that Puyi requires spectacles, it is revealed that the high consorts were present in the rooms as they expresses their disapproval in an almost comical fashion. Their stoic disposition and the peculiarity of their portrayal serves to demonstrate notion of the female spectacle. The visual imagery of the Empress temporal indulgence in lesbianism seems like a sudden discourse in the narrative of the story having no direct reference in the narrative or plot specific setup-payoff mechanism. The discourse proves that the scene is merely a thing of visual spectacle, meant to tantalize the western gaze and their fantasy of the foreign (Oriental) beauty.


The young Puyi suckling his wet nurse.


Wan Jung and Eastern Jewel indulge in their sexual desires.


“An emperor does not wear spectacles”

Spectacle Exoticism of the Orient.

This film is undoubtedly a visual spectacle, very much exploiting in the “otherness” of the Chinese exotic and orient imagery. The context of China provides the filmmaker with an opportunity to present a visual narrative in the style of “erotic over-investment” (Silverman). The exotic architecture, the exuberant clothing worn by the people in the imperial palace and the late Manchu court, the peculiar dispositions of characters, thousands of Eunuch and servants at the disposal of the emperor, the dances, ceremonies, ritual and practices. This film does not seem to exercise restraint in its visual and exoticcharacter depiction by making the picture one of attaining maximum visual impact and awe for the western audience; “feeding the cravings of the eyes” (Ray Chow) This lack of restraint on the part of the filmmaker is a deliberate and telling evidence that the erotic and the exotic are the main aspects to this film’s construct. The idea of cinematic tourism comes into play when looking at the film from this perspective where we see the film not as simple a vehicle for a narrative but also a vehicle for gaze of the western audience.


Wedding festivities of Chinese opera and traditional music.

Pu Yi’s coronation is probably the scene that is packed with the most spectacle visual splendor. We see young Pu Yi emerging from the interior compound of the dragon throne, through a yellow fabric into the main square of the Forbidden City. The camera movement reveals the huge spectacle for thousands of “aristocrats, landlords, mandarin and eunuchs” dressed in exorbitant costume lined up with geometric precision beyond the frame of the film. When the Pu Yi emerges they all kowtow to him. The unsettling peculiarity of the scene, with a 3-year-old emperor being paid respect by thousands of people of the imperial land, while he frolics around in his oversized costume seems somewhat of a mockery and an “ethnocentric attitude of the superficial East”.  The senselessness of the situation it presents contrasted with the sheer absurdity of the reality the film presents brings forth the statement made by Orville Schell:


Young Puyi emerges from the palace to be greeted by thousands of his subjects.

“The West has traditionally thought of itself as the site of substance and the Orient as one of surface; the fetishism of the film for dazzling silks, brocades, and embroidery still promotes an attitude that, after all, underneath the Orient’s silky sleeves there is nothing there.”

The scene of the whole turtle in the soup given to empress Dowager before her death brought forth to her by a Eunuch who proclaims “longevity!” in a quasi-Chinese accent, the grotesquely made up Dowager Empress (Bertolucci’s tribute to Nicholas Ray), the scene of Eunuch sniffing the young emperor’s excrements to determine the appropriate adjustments to his nutritional intake. These are also moments in the film that seem to push the idea of the exotic as something to be gazed upon with the look of a cinematic tourist’s fascination of the distant land of imperial china. A land of romantic mystery and perpetual intrigue that fills the frame. This fascination is presented with the duality of the orient’s inferiority in terms of its political and moral substance as presented in the first category of my analysis.


Turtle soup for longevity.


“I am empress Dowager and I have lived here for a long long time…”


“More beancurd today”

Exoticism is however not possible without the malleability of the representation of culture without the constructed realm of the film, which brings me to my next category:

Amorphous Representation.


History is written by the “beholder of the lens”

The story of PuYi was based in the “official autobiography” of his life, published by the Chinese government in 1963. The book was written during the time of communism and therefore the stories are being told through the lens of communism (Paul G). Furthermore, the film has been accused of inventing certain events such as Pu Yi’s attempted suicide as well as the omission of “genuinely important moments” of his life such as his imprisonment in the Soviet Union. Therefore, showing that the film was presented through the lens of Bertolucci as well. However despite the factual diffraction through historical and filmic lenses, Bertolucci states “I am a storyteller, I am not a historian… To history I prefer mythology. Because history starts with the truth and goes toward lies. While mythology starts from lies and fantasy and goes toward truth.”. The last emperor is an example of the how a film has to negotiate different points of view and exploits the incredulous malleability of the film medium especially in the representation of historical events to bring forth the mythological version of a historical narrative.

The story of Pu Yi and his life as a passive puppet figure, manipulated and controlled by various powers above him can be seen as analogous to the nature of the historical and factual representation of the characters in the film. The passive nature of Pu Yi’s political existence pandering to the need of the entities above him (members of the imperial construct, the Japanese Army, the prison governor, the communist government) is therefore analogous to the nature in which the film panders to the western construct and desires of the orient. His representation of the Japanese “amounts to little more than a recasting of the crude, one-dimensional caricatures of Japan that have appear time and again in Chinese films since 1937” (Paul G) and therefore showing that the films follows the Hollywood formula by treating Asia as “mysterious and unfathomable”.


Puyi speaks to an empty audience. Realises his fate as a puppet.

Paul G also argues that despite the film clinching nine awards at the Academy, none of the actors were nominated for best actor. The notion of the actor themselves being succumbed to being puppets of the makers (award winner) of the film proves an apt connection to the Puyi’s roles as puppets to those above him throughout his life.  This also shows the superior disposition the filmmakers have not only as the beholder of lenses, but also in the reception of their films, while the “same kind of recognition not granted to its players”.

Despite the film being set in the historical shifts of China from imperial China to communist China, the historical context seems to “serve as a backdrop” (Paul G) and treated as a stage for the exotic to occur. Paul further argues that non-specialist viewers would most likely not gain any meaningful information with regards to the history in which the movie transcends through. “the Last Emperor has virtually nothing significant to say about the major issues in modern Chinese History”. Yet Bertolucci is able to achieve a heightened sense of realism by having a sequence that uses real footage of the Sino-Japanese war in China. The raw images of devastation anchored in reality starkly contrasts with the polished and over-embellished visual language of Puyi’s world.  The illusion of realism in the context of fantasy with the intent of creating Betolucci’s “mythology”.


Horrors of war depicted in real footage.

The film is about an emperor searching for a self and this film is also in a continual process of finding its identity as a Chinese film in the Hollywood sphere of production and distribution. The idea of historical and filmic mythmaking is symbolically represented in the scene where Japanese officer, Amakasu directs the cameraman who documents the events at the coronation ball. In the same manner, history is written by the beholder of the lens. This moment of self-reflection on Bertolucci’s part shows his sense of self-consciousness in his role as a filmmaker. Which further demonstrates his intention of not simply representing the facts and figures of Chinese history. He is essentially making a Chinese film for a Hollywood audience. Paul G summarizes this point by stating “The repeated emphases on the “in- ternational” nature of the film’s production can hardly disguise the fact that what appear on the screen are mostly what would be identified as “Chinese” faces enacting a “Chinese” story/history.”


Bertolucci embodied as Amakasu directing his own piece of history.


In the final scene of the film, we see tourists flooding the Forbidden City into the hall of supreme harmony, the Dragon Throne cordoned off. To me this scene symbolizes the entirety of my essay. The Dragon Throne / palace ground representing the foreign and exotic (Chinese) and the tourists representing the Hollywood gaze. The barrier representing the inhibition of complete assimilation of the East and West filmic culture and representation.

In conclusion, Bernardo Bertolluci’s film The Last Emperor presents us with an interesting case study that opens up a conversation about the its inflection as a film that is conscious of its orientalist portrayal of Chineseness as well as a reflection of the psyche of the filmmakers in the Hollywood portrayal of Chineseness on the silver screen.


Puyi sneaks back to his throne.





Janice Mouton. “THE LAST EMPEROR: A Subject-in-the-Making.” In Columbia Pictures: Portrait of a Studio. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1992.

Rony, Fatimah Tobing. “The Last Emperor Bernardo Bertolucci Jeremy Thomas.”Film Quarterly 42, no. 2 (1988): 47-52. doi:10.2307/1212623.

Yue, Gang. “Seeing Modern China: Toward a Theory of Ethnic Spectatorship.” In Comparative Literature, edited by Rey Rey. 3rd ed. Vol. 47. 1995.

Daccache, Jenny George. Hollywood’s Representations of the Sino-tibetan Conflict. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Yang, Jing. “The Reinvention of Hollywood’s Classic White Saviour Tale in Contemporary Chinese Cinema: Pavilion of Women and The Flowers of War.” Critical Arts 28, no. 2 (2014): 247-63. doi:10.1080/02560046.2014.906343.

Chan, Kenneth. Remade in Hollywood: The Global Chinese Presence in Transnational Cinemas. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009.

Farquhar, Mary Ann, and Yingjin Zhang. Chinese Film Stars. London: Routledge, 2010.

Bernardi, Daniel. Classic Hollywood, Classic Whiteness. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001.

Mayer, Ruth. Serial Fu Manchu : the Chinese supervillain and the spread of Yellow Peril ideology. n.p.: Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2014., 2014.

The Last Emperor: My take on the malleability of depictions

The Last Emperor, an extravagant film that follows the life of the last emperor of China. Directed by Italian Director, Bernardo Bertolucci, this film had won nine Oscar nominations in 1987. Yet a sense of hair raising cringeworthy moments and untended laughter dotted the lecture as the film was being screened in class. How did this film rise to such a high acclaim in the Hollywood mainstream? My lecturer constantly reminds us that much of our opinion of a film is informed by our very own cultural diet and being a Singaporean Chinese, with an imbalanced cultural diet of western content and a smaller appetite for Chinese literature or film, western content seemingly dominated my childhood. Yet the western consensus of this film did not resonate with me.

I found myself struggling to accept the reality that the film was trying to portray. I had succumbed to greater catharsis while watching Toy Story (all three) than I did while watching The Last Emperor. Perhaps English speaking characters had created a discord between what I was hearing and what I was seeing. The stilted, Pan-Asian accents they carried was not enough to pull me out of my state of discord.


I was completely immersed in all 3 Toy Story movies.


Discord between spoken language and culture, here the interrogation scribe is writing in Chinese but the characters are speaking English.

Exoticism and orientalist are words I learnt upon watching this film. The idea that the most unfamiliar things can be beautiful and the novelty of the exotic seems to be heavily exploited in this movie. Everything from the costumes, the characters, and even the sets look out-of-this-world. The film had established itself as a narrative set in the realm of reality, a representation of the narrative of a real-life historical figure, Pu Yi. However, the interplay between the actuality of historical events and the falsification of invented tradition blurs the line between reality and the constructed realism within the realm of the film. The film even goes to the extent of having actual newsreels and archival footage of the atrocities of WWII.


Empress Dowager, the epitome of exotic in this film.


Brutal historical footage depicting the realities of WWII.

The very idea of exoticising a culture had made me uncomfortable. There is a sort of perverted fetish for ‘dazzling silks, brocade and embroidery’, a constant hunger and need for spectacle, with thousands of blank-faced extras backdropping the film, alluding to the idea of collectivism as well as China’s massive population. Scenes like that of the eunuch taking a whiff of the fresh excrement of the child emperor or a whole turtle submerged in a vat of steaming soup were seemingly parodies of Chinese stereotypes from the western conscience. Even the music sometimes seems overly exotic, a deliberate melding of traditional Chinese instruments with the melodic sensibilities of western classical compositions can sometimes come across as incongruous. The “Chinese exotic” is put into the limelight and displayed under the harsh spotlight of the filmmaker’s vision. The invented traditions, simply acts as a cultural display, commodifying and aestheticising the Chinese culture. Bertolucci had pulled out all the stops for this film, a Michael Bay-esque portrayal of the ancient Chinese cultures, a visual explosion of western projections of the east.


Blank faced eunuch.


“More beancurd today and no meat…”


Fancy some turtle soup?


Hundreds of extras covers the grounds of the Forbidden City.


Scene from Michael Bay’s movie, Transformer.

From Bertolucci’s own words,” I think this is one of my more Italian movies”, it is very telling that the cultural authenticity was not of utmost importance in the production of this film.


“I think it is a very Italian movie, The Last Emperor. It is very operatic, like Italian opera, and I think it one [sic] of my more Italian movies.” – Bertolucci

This film was made through the lens of a western director and the “westernising” of the cultural aspects of the story is evident in this film. In the scene where Empresses Dowager declare that Pu Yi to be the next emperor, we see all the high consorts with their faces powdered white, an unusual make up choice for Chinese royalty. One could make the connection that this was the western conscious of the portrayal of Elizabethan women, with their voluminous hair and extravagant dresses. There was also a scene of Pu Yi and his consorts playing tennis in the forbidden kingdom, the tennis court looking boldly out of place and Pu Yi dressed in “white man’s clothes”, donning a set of shirt and pants with a V-neck tennis sweater. Even Pu Yi’s spectacle  is representative of the character’s eventual influence and growing admiration for all things Western. The subtext of these scenes seems to imply the replaceability of Chinese cultural elements, which could be said to be metaphoric to how Bertolucci approached his portrayal of the Chinese characters and their culture in this film. He plays with the reality of the world he has created, his western consciousness subtly shifting the portrayal of the characters and cultures depicted in this visual epic.


High consorts, Elizabethan influence


The bespectacled emperor.



Pu Yi dressed in western style clothing.


“Anything western is good…”

According to Bertolucci, China was not yet “polluted”, “suffocated and killed” by the consumerist monoculture, which was what paradoxically drove him to make this film. However, the question is whether he had done exactly that in the making of this film.  I do not think that Bertolucci had ever intended to strive for cultural authenticity. He simply wanted to make a film that would celebrate the grotesque, the exotic and the beauty of an otherwise closed off nation. To present a visual spectacle and fulfil the fantasies of Western sensibilities of the East. At the core of this film is the story of a passive protagonist who had little control of his life, constantly being manipulated by the people around him. Perhaps the visual depiction of ancient China is a metaphoric representation of the film’s theme. That culture is malleable and history and people can change as different ideologies populate the human consciousness. In the film we witness Pu Yi, an emperor who lived by the strict mandate of the monarchy taking on modernity of the west, and on a bigger scale we see China taking on communism through the teachings of Chairman Mao. The idea that it is all about perspectives is reflected in this film. At the end of the day, as my lecturer mentioned, my opinions of this films are informed by my own cultural make up, my personal perspective, just like Bertolucci’s grand vision for his film.



Pu Yi makes a speech in front of an empty hall. He realises he is powerless.


The Chinese Communist Revolution depicted in The Last Emperor.

Words: 985


  1. Chan, Kenneth. “Introduction: Remaking Chinese Cinemas, Hollywood Style.” Remade in Hollywood, 2009, 1-32. Accessed August 11, 2016. doi:10.5790/hongkong/9789622090552.003.0001.
  2. Stein, H. H. “Bertolucci’s The Last Emperor: Multiple Takes. Edited by Bruce H. Sklarew, Bonnie S. Kaufman, Ellen Handler Spitz, and Diane Borden. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998, 272 Pp., $19.95.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 47, no. 4 (1999): 1444-446. doi:10.1177/000306519904700430.
  3. Ebert, Roger. “The Last Emperor Movie Review (1987) | Roger Ebert.” All Content. 1987. Accessed September 19, 2016.
  4. By J. Daccache (Author), B. Valeriano (Author). “Hollywood’s Representations of the Sino-Tibetan Conflict: Politics, Culture, and Globalization 2012th Edition.” Hollywood’s Representations of the Sino-Tibetan Conflict: Politics, Culture, and Globalization (9781137290472): J. Daccache, B. Valeriano: Books. Accessed September 19, 2016.

Shoki’s Story Ideas

  1. Ride to Changi
    • A father and his son take a long ride in a taxi as the father reveals to the son that instead of going for a holiday, he has filed a divorce with his mother and that they are going back to the father’s homeland of China. thursday_till_sunday
  2.  Karaoke
    • An autistic man who works in a karaoke discovers a dead body in one of the rooms. Inspired by his favourite song, decides to hide the body and take matters into his own hands by avenging for the girl. only-god-forgives-061


Idea 1

Wei Jie, a young, teenage boy is in his room. His hands are trembling as he attempts to put on his clothing. Sweat beading down his pale, frightened face. His sister Xin Ting, calls out to him from the living room, prompting him to hurry up. Wei Jie leaves the room and heads out the house with Xin Ting.

They arrive at a night market (Pasar Malam). The siblings are enjoying each others’s company and they are have having fun. The brother starts to notice some bruises on the arm of the sister. He spots a few more on her leg. Wei Jie asks his sister where the bruises came from.  Xin Ting actively tries to avoid answering the question. Wei Jie got annoyed by the sister’s attempts to avoid the question. He confronts her sternly and asks if the bruises came from their father. Xin Ting does not reply she simply looks down with sadness on her face.

Wei Jie is now back in his room at home. He strips off his shirt and slumps down onto the floor. His knees buckling under his weight. He stares at the closed door with a blank expression. Tears starts to well up in his eyes. He bursts into violent fits of tears. Slowly, his cries transitions into a slight smirk and then a hysterical laugh.

The camera tracks away from Wei Jie to reveal a hand slumped over the edge of the bed. Blood dripping down the hand into a pool on the floor.

Idea 2

Story of a guy who has the habit of writing into his journal daily. One day he notices that there is a new entry in his  journal which he did not write. The journal entry calls for his attention and warns him of some sort of impending danger. He simply ignores the entry, thinking that someone must have gotten hold of his journal and tried to play a prank on him.

Over time, the journal entry starts to get increasingly personal, stating very personal facts about the main character in an attempt to convince him . He figures that every night, someone comes into his room and tampers with his notebook. The decides to lock the journal into a safe. The next morning, he opens up the safe and realises that the book is no longer in the safe but on his table. The journal is spread open with the words “you have to trust me” scribbled over 2 pages. He realises that the person is another version of himself ( like a split personality). He flips through the pages and realise that the entries that were written by the other version of him contains a set of instructions that would lead him to a location. (I have to figure out the significance of the location)

When he goes back home, he goes to bed. At night, we see that the pages that were written by the other version of him were all torn away.

Idea 3

John is waiting for a bus at a rather isolated bus stop. The seat is occupied by a mysterious man. The mysterious man stands up and gives John his seat. John was perplexed by his gesture but sits down out of courtesy. Immediately, he shuffles away quickly. After walking for a distance, the man stops, sighs and turns back. He approaches John and explains to him that anyone who sits on the chair would be framed for a murder that just happened. (for a reason I have not yet figures out) He can’t leave the chair unless he finds someone to take his place on the chair.

The mysterious man walks away from John who is left to figure out how to save himself.


Narrative film that interest me: Mother

Mother (2009)

Directed by Boong Joon-Ho (directer of Snowpiercer)

I recently watched this film and I enjoyed how the the film not only had an interesting plot, but also how the characters were very well crafted by the filmmakers. I found myself intrigued by each of the characters and the stories behind them. This film made me realise that sometime characters can be as strong as the plot itself. It also features a style of cinematography I really enjoy.

Here is the trailer:



Group members: Shoki, Raiza, Natasha


Cynthia “Cindy” Morris Sherman

January 19, 1954

Glen Ridge, New Jersey, NY

State University College at Buffalo

Cindy Sherman has alway loved dressing up since she was young. She started photographing herself in 1977. This later came to be know s the Untitled Film Stills series which she completed in 1980. The Film Stills series was a series of photographs of Cindy Sherman herself, dressed up as female personas inspired by the American cinemas of the 50s. She does not specifically mimic any one film or character but instead creates a stereotype of the women portrayed in film. She was, in a sense, documenting the way in which society depicts women.


“Sherman uses herself as a vehicle for commentary on a variety of issues of the modern world: the role of the woman, the role of the artist and many more.”


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In this photograph, we see Cindy Sherman in a kitchen, her right hand across her stomach, and her left shoulder slightly tensed up. From her pose itself, we see some form of vulnerability; it almost looks like she is trying to protect herself from something. She is looking over her shoulders to something that is out of frame, possibly implying that there is something that caught her attention. We as viewers would inevitably start to imagine what she could possibly be looking at. We notice that the camera is also placed at counter level, giving a sense of the viewer lurking into her private space. The context of a kitchen also hints at the boom in suburban housing in America during the 50s.

I think Cindy Sherman created an intimate portrait of a character that is instantly recognisable as the stereotypical American housewife. However I also feel that the low camera angle and her gaze and pose gives this image a sense of mystery and tension.


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This photograph shows Cindy Sherman dressed up as a working woman, standing amongst towering buildings in the city. From her facial expression, we get a sense of hesitance and uneasy as she gazes into the distant with slightly furrowed eye brows. She almost looks as though she is “lost” in a new environment or that she is not familiar with the city. We can almost assume that it is her first day at work and she is feeling anxious about it.

“I’m trying to make other people recognize something of themselves rather than me.” Cindy Sherman

The judgements and assumptions made by the viewers are based out of the stereotyped perception of women especially those portrayed in film. Cindy Sherman creates these fictional characters to allow to viewers to introspectively project their own perception and judgement on the characters portrayed. Therefore these photographs are not so much self portraits in a traditional sense. She uses herself as a blank canvas to create characters that alludes to the societal notions of women.


cindy sherman












by Robert Frost
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

This series of photographs is my visual abstract interpretation of the poem Fire and Ice by Robert Frost. The main colours in the photographs are blue and orange which signifies the collision of fire and ice, however the visual familiarity stops at the use of colours. To me, the poem itself is very much abstract. There is no one way to interpret what Robert Frost is trying to express. The emotions we feel when we read the poem is dependent on the individual.

The shapes, forms and shadows are all very much abstract and not representative of a specific real-life object. I am moving away from using photography as a tool for documentation to using it as a tool for visual abstraction. What we see in the series of images is also very much up to the viewer. Some see a sense of isolation in our urban landscape, some interpret it as the digitalization and dehumanization of our society.

All The subject for all 3 photographs are the same. However, using different movement patterns in each photo creates 3 uniques visual style with different lines and forms. Yet I wanted to maintain a uniformity in the overarching visual style in the series. By using the same subject, I was able to have a consistent colour scheme which is an important reference to the poem.




This was what actually what the camera was pointing at.


Using a video tripod and a long shutter speed, I was able to achieve some interesting effects.

First image: I moved the camera around in a random manner and then let it rest stationary for a moment to get a combination of random light streaks and a faint hint of the subject matter.

Second image: I panned the camera white the shutter was open.

Third image: I zoomed into the image bit by bit while the shutter was open.


Contrast and saturation was added in post to bring out the colours and details in the photographs.




Above is the layout for the final presentation for project 1a. The photographs are arranged in a grid as the general theme of my photographs are geometric and orderly. I made the decision to arrange it in the sequence of task 2, task 1 followed by task 3 from left to right. I wanted to put task 1 and task 3 beside each other as they feature the same subject matter- my HDB estate.


1.TASK 1 – Me



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For task 1, I photographed a series of self portraits against the backdrop of the surrounding HDB buildings visible through the windows of the house. These photographs are not just portraits of myself but are also a portrait of the environment I grew up in. I have been living in the same house for all 20 years of my life and there is something about my house and my estate which I identify very strongly with. As cliche as this may sound, the environment in which I have been growing up in has very much influenced me to being the person that I am today. My schools, the places where I played, my neighbours and my house itself has been the subject of the experiences and memories which I have forged over the years. Therefore I wanted to photograph myself “blending” into my environment, almost like an unobtrusive subject in a photograph of my estate. I used a red shirt to visually blend into the background and a lack of facial expression as well as having my back face the camera allows me to “meld into my environment” visually and metaphorically. The use of a deep depth of field also creates less contrast between me and the background.


Having the idea to photograph myself with the view from my windows as a backdrop from the very beginning, I had to experiment with various lighting setups and camera angle to achieve the desired final photograph.




Experimentation with various camera angles, placements as well as focal lengths. Used my father as a stand in before i fix the camera angle onto a tripod. In the end a wide focal length with the camera close to the subject was used. This allows me to show a greater expanse of the background.task16

Experimentation of camera angles for the second photograph. The eye level shot was aesthetically better due to the planar dimensionality of the background, as if the background is nothing but a painted wall.

Experimentation of different camera placements and focal lengths. The final camera angle allowed me to show more of the subject and reveals the red curtain which fits into the red theme of this series.


The 3rd photograph in the series was shot through the kitchen window.


For all 3 photographs in the series, lighting was crucial as the subject would seem too dark standing in front of a bright window. I used a remote flash and a DIY softbox which I built to light the subject so as to balance the exposure of the subject and the background.



My DIY softbox placed close to the subject for maximum light fall off, achieving a dramatic effect.


Using different placements of the softbox to achieve different effects. The final lighting setup (extreme right) was attained by positioning the softbox above the subject and using a white reflective board below the subject to fill in the shadows below the chin (compare with the image second from the right).



Example of how lighting can bring out the subject against a bright background. task19 Subject’s expression barely visible without flash.



task20Colours were drastically altered to create an almost surreal effect and allowing the subject to almost blend into the background due to the subdued skin tones and low contrast.


2. TASK 2 – Object and Representation of Self







For task 2 I photographed a drawer in which I collected all sorts of junk and dismantled items when I was a kid. My mother told me that she read about how an artist, when young, was given a room in which he could express his creativity without any boundaries. He was allowed to draw on the walls and channel his creative energy anywhere in the room. Apparently this artist turned out to become successful. Inspired by that story, my mother gave me something similar but on a smaller scale. She gave me a whole drawer to store anything I wanted when i was really young. As a child I love to make things and dismantle anything I could get my hands on. I collected all sorts of paraphernalia from wine corks to strips of 35mm film. However there was a point when I stopped collecting things and the drawer became a time capsule. When I opened it recently for this project, memories of how each item came about came flooding back to me. Each item has its own story. It was like looking through old photographs; the feeling of nostalgia as I reminisced about my childhood. This drawer is something I would definitely be keeping for a very long time!


Once I decided that I was going to photograph my drawer, I knew that I did not want to simply photograph the drawer itself but all the individual items inside as each item has a unique story to tell, like displaying the photographs in a photo album instead of just the cover of the photo album. However there was one challenge I faced. How was I going to photograph all the items in a single image?


I knew that I needed a high angle shot, thus I decided that it would be a good idea to remove my ceiling light and mount the camera where the light used to be. It worked flawlessly. I used a long USB cable to connect the camera to my laptop and I could remotely operate the camera from a comfortable level.


After some experimentation I found that the best lighting is achieved when I simply face the flash towards the ceiling which essentially makes the ceiling a giant light source, providing soft directional light for the subject. In addition to having the flash, I draped a large piece of white fabric on the opposite side (at the bottom of the image) to bounce the and fill in some of the shadows.



With the camera mounted on the ceiling, I could take some interesting full body portraits.



Work in progress!


Red string was used to form a rectangular perimeter and used as a guide to allow me to see where the borders of image is. All the objects were meticulously arranged so that we get a sense of geometry and order.




These are other ways in which I attempted to include myself in the photograph. The final image image was selected as I became part of the array of items on the floor, symbolizing that there is no distinction between the subject (me) and the items (things I used to make and collect).


The concept of arranging items in a neat and orderly fashion and photographing it from the top was made famous by photographer Jim Golden.


TASK 3 – My World





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MORE PHOTOGRAPHS (those that could not be displayed due to quota):






If I were to be able to title this series of photographs, I would call it “Portraits of my Estate”. The subject of the photographs are the buildings: some are extreme close ups while others are wide angle shots. It almost seems like the buildings are people and in the wide shots we see a gathering of people. The place which I identify with the most is the place which I grew up in – Bishan. It is the place where I grew up in and a familiar place that I can call home.


When I was thinking of what I would constitute most strongly as “My World” the very first thing that came to mind was my neighbourhood in Bishan. Without much of a plan, I decided to simply bring my camera along a walk around my estate.





My initial photographs were of interesting shapes and forms found around my estate. The concept was to capture the seemingly mundane in an artistic way through the use of composition. However the photographs did not seem to have that “wow” factor. So I came up with the idea of photographing my estate from the top floors of the HDB blocks. The first time I went up to the top floor of my block, I was blown away by the view. I knew that this idea had potential.


At the top floor.


View from the top of by HDB block. Thus with this idea in mind, I went to many blocks around my house at different times of the day to get various interesting shots. I also played around with various focal lengths to get more abstract images of the HDBs.


I used a tripod to be able use long exposures to shoot at night.







These are the views I got from various blocks. This image above was not captured by chance. I knew the direction of the sunrise so I looked for a block with staircases that faces the correct direction and provides an unobstructed view of the horizon. I positioned myself at the highest floor at 630am. Unfortunately due to cloudy and hazy conditions I only saw the sun after it has risen a distance from the horizon.


Each image was intensely colour corrected to bring out the pastel colours of the HDB, creating an almost dreamlike landscape of the estate. The close up shots of the estate almost look like an abstract array of colours bound by geometric shapes.


The style of colour correction was very much influenced by a Singaporean Photographer, Nguan who creates beautiful images that are low in contrast and tinted with subtle pastel hues to create a touch of softness in the photographs

LINES – 2D Assignment 1 Analysis by Shoki


Here I will breakdown and explain the design decisions I made for creating my final 18 sets of lines.


  1. EXHAUSTEDhelplessly tired


Inspired by the natural form of a wilting tree, the upward movements of the lines shows a sense of wanting to rise up. However the almost immediate drop in the lines shows the lack of energy, instilling in the viewer a sense of exhaustion. Subsequent repetitions of smaller upwards and downwards movements gives it a sense of helplessness- as if the lines are trying over and over again to rise against gravity, but to no avail.


2.  TURBULENT – dynamic and unsettling


The lines swirls and flows organically around and into each other’s path, mimicking the path of a dynamic fluid. The use of 3D forms accentuates the feeling of dynamism and complexity in the form. White paint was brushed on to bring out the lines to show direction.

3.  SYSTEMATIC – organised and orderly



The repeating line patterns arranged systematically give a sense of uniformity and geometric 3-dimensionality. The shape of the lines mimics tabs found in a filing cabinet to suggest organisation.

4.  AWKWARD – out of place, odd one out


The stark contrast between the use of repeating horizontal lines and a solid round shape creates a sense of unsettlement. The lines are not uniform, but they are directional and they point to the middle, as if confronting the round shape in the middle. The lines do not go beyond a certain radius from the round shape to suggest a sense of isolation and discrimination.


5.  PSYCHOTIC – an unsettled and unpredicatable mind


I used layers of thin lines to create a dynamic and flowing image. Inspire by the painting “Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh, I created patterns of lines that flowed towards each other and interacted with each other upon contact. The psychotic nature from this image comes from the complexity of the repeating lines but also the flowing and melding forms.


6.  EMBARRASSED – the feeling of wanting to hide


Dynamic lines were used in this illustration to create a girl’s flowing hair. At the side of the image, barely visible, is a girl’s face, partially covered by her own hair. We get a sense of disproportion as the face is usually the main subject of an image. This empahsises the girl’s desire to not be seen and remain invisible.


7.  AMBIGUOUS – what is this?


The use of unspecific and varying shapes with different patterns creates a sense of visual ambiguity. The vast emptiness surrounding the shape creates a lack of context for the viewer to make sense of it.

8.  ANXIOUS – unsettling uneasiness


The overall dark tones of this illustration creates a sense of negativity. The random, almost chaotic white lines cuts through the darkness, creating a stark contrast. We get a sense that an unsettles person could have made these patterns. If you were to look closely, you can see that the black paint is in fact scratched out to create the white lines. The scratching, like the scratching of a chalk board is analogous to an anxious person’s behaviour.

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9. INDECISIVE – fickle minded


As the viewer looks across the illustration, they will notice a heterogeneous combination of designs without a proper transition  between each phase of design. The use of differing shapes and patterns suggests the artist’s indecisiveness.



10.  BIZARRE – odd and cringeworthy 


This illustration is composed of many round orifice-like forms that are randomly spaced apart from one another. The radiating rings of disjointed lines creates a sense of depth. This creates an overall illusion of an alien-like texture that is not immediately recognisable, but somehow feel like it would be something you would want to steer clear from!


11.  DISTRACTED – to veer off an intended path


This illustration shows a group of small lines seemingly moving from one point to another, like a group of marching ants. However we also see a smaller group of lines seemingly moving off in another direction, as if the lines got distracted. The organic shape formed by the big group of lines takes on the way pack animals move, most evident in migratory bird flocks.


12.  AGGRESSIVE – easily enraged that manifests into violence


Similar to the anxious illustration, the dark background of this illustration suggests a negative undertone. The spikes that were literally scratched out from the background suggests violence while the varied and random orientation of the spikes suggests physicality and dynamism. Subtle shading was used to create a sense of depth creating the illusion that the spikes are layered on top of one another.



13.  SLOVEN – execution with minimum effort


Lines with no sense of purpose or direction shows the artist’s lack of effort and motivation. The smudges also suggests the lack of caution.


14.  FRAGILE – at the threshold of breaking


Wanting to stay away from graphically representing fragility with an illustration of something that is fragile, I used a medium (hot glue) that itself is fragile, though from afar, looks like a drawing on paper. The thin, criss-crossing lines creates a web-like form while some of the lines interact and tangle up with one another. We see fragility in both the visual lines and the medium that is being used.


15.  SENSUAL – a seductive allure


Represented in pencil drawing is the realistic render of a silk cloth. Silk itself as a subject suggests feminine sensuality, while the drawing, consisting of soft lines and naturalistic flowing shapes also hints to a women’s shape and curves. The close up composition of the subject put emphasis on the texture rather than the subject itself which allows the viewer to have an open ended interpretation of the drawing.


16.  SPONTANEOUS – to under-think and not be bound by structure


This illustration shows a regular line of rectangles being disrupted in the middle by an explosion of varying shapes. I like to interpret this illustration as a factory chain, where the worker in the middle decides to be spontaneous and break the rules of regularity and perfection. What results is a beautiful eruption of fragmented shapes and irregular lines, which is what make this illustration visually striking. I guess it is good to be spontaneous once in a while!


17.  LYRICAL – beautifully musical


Music is very often made up of more than a single note. More often than not, multiple notes are used simultaneously, to create harmony, weaving in and out of each other to create rhythm and movement. With this illustration, the lines represents the notes moving alongside each other, working in harmonies. The organic, branch like nature of the lines represents the movements of the music as the song progresses and builds up from left to right.


18.  NONSENSICAL – not making any sense


This illustration uses unmotivated lines with completely random shapes and forms. There is no specific point of interests while ironically every element seems to be screaming for attention. This composition shows the quirky side of being nonsensical by these playful and directionless lines.
