in TonalDesign

Watermedia Landscape Painting: Week 2-10 Exercises

Watermedia Landscape Painting

A post to document the practice for the module. 🙂

Week 2 In-Class Exercises

1. School #1

2. School #2

Week 2 Self-Practice

3. Park area

4. My house carpark

Week 3 In-Class Exercise

5. Trees #1

Week 4 In-Class Exercise

6. Trees #2

7. Trees #3


Weeks 2-4: Self-reflection and feedback

Reflection time! First time working with so much watercolor and I don’t think I knew what I was in for when I took watermedia, but there’s so much I learnt about color much just over a few weeks (especially greens!). Super fun!

Some stuff I need to watch out for at the moment:

  • reducing short broken strokes; learn how to form shapes
  • vary sizes and shapes for better composition
  • familiarize myself with the colors on my palette and also do the tonal bar to get to know how light and dark they are (so that I can understand their relationship better and use them in a smarter manner…)
  • slow down with penciling and learn how to be more patient!

Hoping to improve more over the next few weeks! 🙂

Week 5 Tonal Design Exercises

1. Night

2. Day

3. Rainy


Week 6 In-Class Exercises (Master Copy)

1. George Inness Study #1


2. George Inness Study #2

Week 7 Class Exercise and Practice

3. George Inness Study #3

4. Liu Fenglan Study #1

Recess Week Exercise

5. Bingsu
(Texture study + changing up color of the object)

6. Motorbike Cover
(Texture study + changing up color of the object)

Week 8

7. Practice – Screws in classroom

8. Night study at ADM #1

9. Night study at ADM #2



10. Practice – My sister’s pet bunny

11. Practice – My sister’s pet dog

Week 9

12. Practice – Liu Fenglan master copy

13. Class exercise – Shapes and colors (canteen interior)