VC | Dear Data: Trash we throw everyday

IMG_1681IMG_1682I visualized the trash I throw away by classifying into three categories: the amount of trash I threw, the material of trash and the alternative way to handle the trash instead of throwing away.

I used sanitary pads as my hygiene product. As I did menstruation project in my previous project, so I have done some research to find out the most sustainable and hygiene product. Menstrual cups are more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly than sanitary pads and tampons because they can be washed and reused up to 15 years. Unlike disposable pads and tampons, they create massive amounts of garbage every month. Also, there is a female organization which is Femme International used menstrual cups as a solution to provide sanitary education for girls in East Asia. Their aims are to introduce this affordable health management method helps reduce the risk of reproductive health infections, disease and poor menstruation-related school attendance and performance.

News about How Menstrual Cups Are Changing Lives in East Asia.

Another trash that I used and throw it away everyday are tissue and toilet roll. Some people have encouraged to use a handkerchief instead of tissue as it is more sustainable, eco-friendly and reusable. However, tissues are more hygienic than handkerchief when you are having flu or sensitive nose if throw it away after use.


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