in My Work, Project 3: The library - Research & Development, Research



2 lessons from the consultation with Michael:

1. Don’t speculate.

My initial idea include commentaries on how the library is a stressful place, how people don’t read the books.

But is it really?

All these perception perhaps only applies to small group of people.

It is a regret that I didn’t spend enough time in the library to understand and appreciate its true nature. I didn’t spend enough time observing what people do in the library, I didn’t spend enough time interviewing people on how they feel in the library.

2. Involvement of the space and experience

“You are focusing too much on the artwork”

Instead of using the space to create a work, what I did was creating a work to be exhibited in the space.


Based in the advice I worked out another idea:

The Conversational Flow Chart

People come to ADM library for various purposes, and there is a place for each activity in ADM library, some are bounded by the facilities and resources present, while others follows the unspoken rule we observe in the library.

My plan is to create a flow chart that spread across the floor of ADM library that engage the visitors in a conversation while directing them to different areas of the place.

This flow chart does not serve as a directory for visitor, but rather challenge them to think about their purpose of coming to the library, as well as high lighting some of the unspoken rules in the library, evoking thoughts on how they were derived.


Below is the initial plans for the flowchart. (Click to see details)

However the choice of dialogue used is not strong( or edgy) enough, and it seems to become a way-finding tool.