in My Work, Project 2

2D Identitty Process


Medium :

I’ve chosen to use the medium of puzzles to lay over images. Searching through for inspiration I’ve found that the idea of layering segmented images would really communicate my idea well as the subject matter of breasts, being part of the female body, could be represented as physically attached but emotionally detached(I know bit confusing ah I don’t know how to explain) As in like for a transgender it could be represented as a puzzle to make one feel whole. And I find the idea of having cracks/spaces between the segmented pieces because it shows that it is not a true original piece but it could be formed and created to ‘finish’ your own puzzle.



I’ve also decided to split the 6 images into two categories of perspectives:

1st person perspective vs 2nd person perspective

Positive Breast

Trasgender                              |           Baby

Superficial Breast

Anorexic                                   |           Plastic Surgeon

Negative Breast

Breast Cancer Survivor         |            Conservative


Inspirations :

I wanted to have a minimalistic illustrated look to mimic certain magazine covers that I felt had a really clean look and to convey a message quick and easy but not too literal. So that was the main challenge for me which was to find a balance between too symbolic and too literal.


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I’ve decided to go with a consistent female body through all the compositions so give a sort of flow and simplicity to the works. I did not want it to be messy and all over with different representations for every work.

female body2






evolution change

Mock-up of the puzzle pieces being placed on the body

For this work I began with a painted mock-up of the idea with a plain puzzle set from ArtFriend and during consultation the problem that was brought up was that the message of the work would be better conveyed if the puzzle pieces weren’t placed all over. So I’ve decided to rework it and place the puzzle pieces around the body instead, representative of the human superficial flesh in contrast to the inner body of a Transgendered person.


First basic mock up



Leaving of spaces

Creating spaces between the positive and the negative which shows the dissipation of the old identity and the reformation of a new identity.

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Testing out with typography

I felt that the typography would actually create more visual mess and take away the focus from the work and message itself. So I decided to do away with the text across all 6 works.



Breasts in the POV of an Anorexic is Out Of Place


The first mock-up idea



The first idea for the POV of an anorexic which showed a crucified skeleton weighed down by shackles on the ribcage and the puzzle pieces represented the media covering up the ‘healthy lifestyle’ and only showing the ‘superficial’ pop culture.

The problem with the first mock up from the consultation was that it was very crowded and messy and had too many points (Media,Social) and that the focus was taken away from the breasts themselves.

So I decided to just remove everything around the skeletal figure and just focus on the figure itself and represent then breasts as puzzle pieces that were ‘out of place’.



Painting the figure


Personifying the skeleton. Giving a human face to her



IMG_0400 Final arrangement of the puzzle pieces on the skeletal figure

Experimenting with the background colours to see which would best fit in terms of contrast and the mood and decided to go with the warm colour of yellow because I felt that it gave a happy but creepy feel with the illustrated skeletal figure in the forefront.

Breasts in the POV of a Breast Cancer Survivor is a Medal of Healing


female body2cancer copy

Mock-up of the healing body

The idea of using threads as stitches to show a physical representation of healing and I felt that having it be real-life and not printed would give the effect of physical/superficial scars and to be able to see through the threads allows the message of not allowing the breasts t define them superficially anymore.


Painting the healing body


I realised I forgot to take photos of the sewing because I was trying so hard not do break the paper so yea :/



Breasts in the POV of a Plastic Surgeon is a Puzzle To Be Rearranged




Breasts represented as puzzle pieces to be fit together


Making of the breasts using balloons and rubber as a synthetic material that adds to the quirkiness of the work


I had to blow so many because I kept getting unequal lopsided boobs


The left breast had to be reblown because it was too small


Breasts in the POV of a Conservative is Censorship



IMG_0429 2 editted


Breasts in the POV of a Baby is Food

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Wrapping the puzzle pieces up in styrofoam and photographed


Idea of depicting women as meat. I had trouble trying to find a balance between depicting the boobs as food and not some sex trade mysoginistic way

Miscellaneous :

Just some initial ideation for my own use

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Overall it was a tiring process and mostly because of conceptual problems and I’ve realised that the concept is the hardest part for me and execution usually goes smoothly! Hopefully I’ll be able to conceptualise faster for Project 3.