Black & White

A story of the deer trapped in a deep forest and her lover went through different obstacles (wolf, bats) to find her. Fortunately, they found each other and live happily ever after.


The night view of the dark forest


The deer is walking into the woods to find his love one who is trapped.


Faraway, the little deer is standing alone in the woods, she is surrounded by huge trees and branches.


After the deer saw his lover, he dashed as quickly as possible towards the direction of his lover.


In the dark eerie night, bats are flying around above the woods.


Passed midnight, the wolf is howling under the bright yellow moon. It’s time for him to find his food.


The little deer is waiting to get saved but is afraid that the wolf might find her and eat her up. Thus, she hide herself behind tall branches.


In the end, they found each other and they live happily after.


This design shows the love relationship of the deer.

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