Foundation Drawing | Final Assignment: Queue


Render a detailed study of a scene of people queueing. Observations should be made on-location, with at least 6 subjects. Your single composition should relate and respond to classmates’ responses.



Areas of interest:

1. Good rendering of fabric on jeans and clothing.

2.  Good study of background elements and details.

3. Overall good effort that well translates time dedicated.

4. Good use of tones to make light menu screens pop.

Areas of improvement:

1. Subjects look rigid, perhaps try more relaxed, organic forms for posture and clothing.

2. Tiles on the floor could be given more individualistic and unique character – watch out for reflections, light and dark tones, tiles versus sealant lines.

3. Good attempt at rendering the air vents, better close-up study could be made to distinguish light and dark of 3-dimensional vent forms.



Satisfied with the final outcome I had produced in a short time span. Mostly agreed with the feedback, would definitely improve on the work if time permitted. Learnt alot about how and why we should observe and appreciate the light and dark casts on seemingly mundane things, as with all things beautiful, we will see it when we see it.

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