Typography Portrait – FINAL

Finally!!! It is completed!!

I have decided to do my presentation with a mini toy car to make it more fun and engaging for my views. Here is a GIF of my minicar-drive-through!

My theme is Cars. That is because:
Car represents me.
Car is my nickname.
Car is me.
Now come on board and journey on with me.

Photo 21-2-16, 4 14 55 AM

I run on petrol I run on food. I am a foodie! My typography name is formed here  through the drive thru buildings. Where a car enters and come out 3 times its size. A car’s food place to go would be the petrol station and hence I have related that to a Mac’s drive thru by using recognizable colours, Red and Yellow.

Photo 21-2-16, 4 15 08 AM

Wheels on fire, I am adventurous. I have related roller coaster rides to being adventurous as I love roller coasters! I got my inspiration from HotWheels and my typography name is formed by the tracks of my ‘friends’ (toy cars) which I have wheeled over multiple times. There is a change from a roller coaster track to a road and I used red, orange and yellow colours here to so that my viewers can get reminded HotWheels subtly.

Photo 21-2-16, 4 15 24 AM

My life is in the driver’s hands. I am dependent. Here, my typography name is formed within the driver’s stirring wheel. I have used an accident to depict the worst possible outcome which is the death of both the driver and car. This is to show the dependency of a car towards the driver’s right judgement.

Photo 21-2-16, 4 16 08 AM
Cut outs of transparent sheets to mimic shattered glass pieces. The red and black watercolours and inks to mimic petrol fuel and blood. Layers of masking fluid was also used here to bring out the my typography name within the wheel.

Photo 21-2-16, 4 16 31 AM (1)

I mark my tracks. I can make a difference. Here I used monoprint to achieve this effect. It is the an imprint of an actual car tire and my typography name is engraved in it using my ‘friend’s’ (toy car’s) tracks too. I enhanced the contrast my using white watercolour paint and dapping some black monoprint ink with a sponge onto the paper. Here I want to show a car’s imprint it leaves behind. To show that I can make a difference and leave a legacy no matter how big or small it is. I got this inspiration of rolling or mono printing a tire wheel from my full name itself — Caroline — Car (ROLL) line.

Photo 21-2-16, 4 18 31 AM

I ran all 4 compositions under the car’s wheels with a meaning or reason to it. The imprint of each paper under each wheel combined would be the identity of the car. Aka my identity. Each individual imprint of a car’s wheel is different, just like how the imprints of our fingers are all different. Thus I have decided to do this to relate my work to myself at a deeper level.


Although I had a trouble putting all my ideas together at first, I still enjoyed the process. Concluding with this third idealization themed – CAR, was meaningful to me. Car is something I can relate to deeply as not only does it carry my character traits in this project, my closest friends and loved ones like to and call me by that nickname too. It is pretty heart warming to get reminded of them when I title my compositions CAR.

Lastly, I really appreciate all the feedbacks! They were encouraging and helpful. Thank you!
Photo 21-2-16, 4 21 44 AM


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