Typography Research / Preliminary ideas


My initial thoughts penned down for this project involved using a combination of ideas with job descriptions as crazy as possible. Listed below are my ideas.

I AM A DESTROYER - Use of broken rubbish and dirt to represent a warpath and yet show  clumsiness. Use of illustrated charging and fumbling elephants/rhinos to show clumsiness, using the paths the spell my name as well as broken glass pieces. Or I could assemble materials and objects that are slightly damaged or chipped due to accidents.Use of negatives created by the images to spell out Darren.

I AM A SOLAR HARVESTER - Idea came from the appearance of solar flares, which can reinterpreted as it being sucked away from the sun itself. Use of bright colours with the “o” in my name sucking in the “solar flares” Larger gravity pull. The use of the Center as it is similar in shape and design of a black hole to suck in the flares.

Thought of the idea of using real fire during the presentation itself using cotton wool and lighter fluids. Back plate to a cutout metal sheet that is a5 in size. Seemingly thicker paper on the top pasted with cotton wool dosed with lighter fluids.

Another idea could be to do a combination of photography with prolonged exposure to create sort of a moving light effect as well as to draw out my composition. 


One of my attempts to overlap the lights and to figure out the 

I AM THE PLAGUE - Use of different bugs and pest to create webs and goo like textures. Idea to use webbing or real insects ?

I AM DEHYDRATED - Use of dehydrated fruits and vegetables as a signifier to show dehydration. Additional paint to show “dehydration” after it dries .To create a sort of pattern of repetition to create the compositions . Still unsure what fruits to use . Experiments with oranges , grapefruits and apples


PHOTO TAKEN FROM : http://www.ingexchange.com/img/2-dried-fruit.jpg

Dehydrated fruits.

I AM ADVENTUROUS - To bring out the sense of adventure. To combine elements of Temple run as well as Pit Fall to create the Indiana Jones feel of adventure. Idea was to bring about pathways in the jungles or wilderness setting to spell out my name.

PHOTO TAKEN FROM :http://www.ingexchange.com/img/2-dried-fruit.jpg

Pit Fall level screens.

I AM SIO BAK/ Siew Yoke - Options is to use the differences in soft and hard textured materials to symbolize fat and crusted skin; the three elements I decided to play around with. The use of rectangular like structures that resemble buildings. Play around with skin , fats , muscle as well as meat from a slab of pork belly. 

Experiment with focus in mind on the one design element with the highest appeal . Which is the Crispy skin and ats Initial ideas revolve around drawing out the layers of the meat Moving on to create a sort of rhythm and repetition in the background, the use of skin to glorify it. To create my name in block letters. Use of oils to create smell and oily feel to the touch. Idea in my mind was to do a pre-cut skin before salting it and baking it. Block letters.


PHOTO FROM : Corrianderandgarlic
          "Siew yoke"

I AM AN ALCOHOLIC -  Idea of using arranged Glass shards to create my name Use of evaporation and textures to create the name? Includes using wax? Labels of the alcohol bottles on the background? To showcase that im a wide drinker. Drink a lot . Use of bottle caps to spell out the name each from a different beer/ alcohol cap.