in My Work

Graphic Form: Hello, My Name Is… (Introduction Activity)

Monday’s introduction to Graphic Form had a fun activity called “Hello, My Name is…”. It’s a fun activity for the class to introduce themselves through expressing their names in something that represents them.

I picked to experiment with Chinese ink and used some microns to write my name. I loved working with ink, so here are some ink scribbles!

I picked the squared-out one on the left to show my classmates. It’s inspired by Japanese manga art and also by Aubrey Beardsley, whom I’ve read up on recently. He’s an English illustrator who works in black ink. I’ve been trying to work on thin line-art myself, so I doodled some flowers! (‘u’)

As for the incomplete one in colorful Sharpie, I was thinking about the Chinese New Year decorations set up around my residential area.

Seems like a pleasant start to 2018 so far!