A Line is a Dot that Went for a Walk


AGGRESSIVE: a personality that is easily set off/ignited, a personality that is ‘too much’, destructive and explosive

The paper was overloaded with ink then scraped with the blunt edge of a knife, creating a blistered, distressed effect while conveying the idea of excess. The paper was also ignited then extinguished, creating burnt away sections.

The backing was, ironically, a previous attempt at Exhausted. The explosiveness and violence of an Aggressive personality might leave the people having to deal the person in question exhausted. And even the Aggressive person zerself would feel emotionally drained from exerting zerself emotionally so greatly.

EXHAUSTED: wrung out, tired, stretched beyond one’s limits, overworked

The effect is one of drooping, faint lines, hanging down and seemingly weighed down by the ink that looks to be dripping from it, as though it was wrung of the last drops within it.

The effect was created by scoring curving lines on a separate strip, then inking the entire strip. This strip then acted as a stamp to imprint a pattern onto a second strip.

AWKWARD: lacking in proficiency, uncertain, unpracticed, novice, wobbly

I created a progression from inexperienced/awkward to proficient, left to right. The was shown through the messiness and disorder of the earlier section which progresses into neatness and coherence in the latter section.

This was created by using pens and paints, first the full length with it held in a normal way in my dominant hand. Then three quarters of the way in a normal way in my off hand. Halfway by gripping it awkwardly in my off hand. And finally one quarter of the way by gripping my tools in my toes.



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