Building on Ideas

With the assignment requirement being cut from 6 to 4 pieces, I guess I can breathe a tiny sigh of relief.

I have chosen Introvert, Gamer, World-Building, and Rational as my final 4 ideas.


Going on my initial idea of using wrought iron fences as a physical embodiment of my desire to keep people/crowds out, I went to google some common designs for these fences.


It seems that the most common type of iron fencing are actually very simple, which I suppose is preferable, as it is meant to serve the functional purpose to warding rather than the social purpose of being aesthetically impressive. Taking on the idea of name seals/stamps, I can incorporate the insular script lettering into the common circle/ring patterns many of these fences seem to employ.01_Uncial Script


As can be seen, insular script already has a very circular, self-contained look about it, and should mesh quite well within the rings of the fence.


With Chinese New Year, I have acquired materials! 20160212_222518

Behold! Ponkan box.

The cardboard is smooth and the box is huge, so I should have plenty of material to work comfortably with.

Given my limited ability to craft a functional interactive object however, I have chosen a simpler design. Rather than a Gameboy Color, I will make it resemble a Playstation Portable.Game_Boy_Colorvspsp_3000

Like so:


Now that the buttons are clearly on either side of the screen, the left-to-right sliding mechanism to change the letter on the screen should be easier to make than the up-to-left-to-right-to-down mechanism if the buttons had been at the bottom of the screen like in the Gameboy.


I decided to go with flooding the screen with names in different fonts and colours.


It’s mostly done; still looks a little plain though. I’ll fiddle around a little more to see what I can do with the layers.


I haven’t actually physically progressed on this one. The blueprint idea shared in the group consult by Andrew seemed interesting, but there’s a lot more to world-building than the progression of a single building/item/aspect. Perhaps I can expand on that by using pieces of tracing paper, and drawing/writing various ideas and concepts down in scraps. The scraps can gradually amalgamate over the course of letters and finally come together in the form of a sphere/globe at the end of my name (the roundness of ‘e’ lending itself well to this idea as well).

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