Concerned with the next week topic,” body is an instrument” . Surely , body is also a kind of art ;

just depends on how artists utilize them .


First , we can discuss about the construction of  this work 。

Marina put  two models  in the narrow entrance to the exhibition, leaving only a  passageway.

Both of them are afraid of being contacted by people flooding into the  space  ; similarly people have to pass with caution not to touch them .


  Just like Warwick conclude his book:

humans are dominant form on Earth because of intelligence ; machines will become the dominant life form on Earth


Body belongs to human just like robot created by human and Marina tries to surpass the protective boundary

,and makes her works transformed . Although we want to manipulate everything;nonetheless, in the end ,

it is possible to end up with controlled  by the creations just as if audience pass the artists carefully.


  Besides ,as the article mentioned about __”Posthuman”a concept originating in the fields of science fiction, futurology.


compared with the words, Technology has to develop as quickly as possible ,

and then makes possible a direct connection between brain and computer .



Applied to this, totally the works just like building the system ,

writing code to prevent the two actors from moving when they come into contact

with another body, and writing other code to allow

the spectators to squeeze  through the narrow gap. Artists want them to

experience the feeling of shame and nervousness , and by coding everything,

anything works meaningful.But if human can succeed , nobody knows.








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