Monthly Archives: September 2019

4D Assignment 1 Picture Story

Task 1: Object and representation of self


I was quite new towards photography but I was interested in trying out different techniques such as framing and cropping. I started on doing some research on framing such as using something in the background or foreground to create focus on the subject or block anything else that is distracting.

Some examples by Jim Zuckerman

There is also the use of built in frames

Taken by Kyle Rogers

Taken by Kyle Rogers

How it can be used by Jordi Puig

How it can be used by Jordi Puig


Safe Haven

My object is the piano. I had trouble making friends or talking to people since I was small. I did not have friends that I really stick with. I tried out many hobbies from ballet, gymnastics to even swimming but none of them I came to really love compared to music. The piano was considered a shelter and provided me a sense of relaxation. It was even an escape from reality, by playing the piano I would forget everything that was going on. A space where I could just express myself when I could not put things to words. The piano helped me be more confident in myself, opening me to express myself using other instruments and just reminding me to keep pushing through. Though bittersweet, now there are hesitations to continue playing the piano as I strangely start to lose confidence in it instead.

I attempted drafting out some poses or ideas for the photos, though in the end there were adjustments in angles as the some angles showed reflections from the piano of nearby object which I find distracting.

Adjusting and attempting to frame using the pillars of the piano. Though I like the feel of the photo when one of the pillars covers my face and showing my reflection instead.

More full body shots

A mid body shot of me relaxing on the piano

Close up of the piano


Close up of interaction with the piano as well as trying out a built in frame using a music sheet.


Something warm, bright, neat but still showing much contrast and texture to the photos are the aesthestics I want in my photos.

Examples by Jingna Zhang

As my object is a piano, I thought about editing my photos into black and white as it help cancel out an distrcting colours. However I want to bring some warmth to my photos so I ended up dulling out any cool colours and slightly tint them with yellow. Did some cropping to get rid of any objects that happen to be in the photos or being more focus towards the subject.

Tried out cropping the image to see if it looks better framing with the pillars



Close-up  of object

Full figure with object

The piano being there for me, always having my back.

Full figure interacting with object

It being like a shelter or sanctuary where I felt safe to express myself.

Mid-range shot interacting with object

A place I am comfortable with

Close-up shot interacting with object

Enveloped in music

Task 2: My World


I started looking through Richard Billangham’s works, they were not posed showing how his family for how they actually are, which I really like.

I thought would be something new to try out instead of the usual having someone posing for the shot.



My world revolves my family. I used to live in my grandmother’s house with my aunts and cousins so it was where I spent most of my childhood. My cousins and I would play around the house and eat homecooked food by my grandmother. Whenever I needed help my parents, aunts and grandmother would be there for me. I remember I had difficulty finishing up an art assignment, which involved using shred up newspaper to create a work. They stayed throughout the night with me to help me tear and glue the newspapers. Though we are not really close knitted as we were in the past, we would always gather at my grandmother’s house to celebrate each other’s birthdays or special occasions. So my grandmother’s house holds alot of memories of my childhood and family.

I attempted drafting out how the photos could look like mainly the environment, and experimenting with the camera.

I went to visit my grandmother’s house for dinner and to catch up with her and my cousin. I then attempted to start shooting, telling them to ignore me and go about their business. I also got shots of my mother and brother.



Similar to the photos from Task 1. I got rid of the cool colours and tint them with a stronger yellow to showcase the font nostalgic feelings I have towards the house. Yet with a sense of loneliness now that the house is quite empty and taking the details of the furniture around.



Photo 1

These figure represents the gods of prosperity, status and longevity (福禄寿) so since young we were told to not touch or mess with them. We were terrified when we broke the item the longevity figure was holding.

Photo 2

This seat may not look suitable or lie on but there are nights we spent sleeping on it.

Photo 3

Our parents would make us kneel down and apologize at the altar whenever we did something wrong.


Doing this activity has made me think photography is more then just pressing the button on a camera. It is able to tell a story or express a certain feeling through the photos. It was fun to experiment around with the techniques, compositions, editing, and also share my experiences through the photos. 😀