Exercise 4: Mood Painting

20161003-1I’ve first attempted the landscape picture. It is done in watercolour. However, the colours weren’t blended well as I used too little water and too much paint at once, especially for the sky part. The colour mixing part wasn’t easy, as I couldn’t get the right shade of yellow for the golden fields part and ended up being more of a dull orange when the painting dried.

20161003-2During the second class, I did the breakfast photo. This time round I tried acrylic paint. It is extremely hard to recreate colours of food, as too bold a colour makes the food looks fake, and too dull makes it look unappetizing. I tried to make the eggs fluffy by piling different shades of yellow orange on top of each other. The beans were especially hard due to the shine and gloss of the sauce that I wasn’t able to reflect in my painting. There wasn’t time during class for me to do the background, so I ended up just painting it light blue to not clash with colours in the plate.

I had lots of fun mixing colours in these exercises, despite being quite challenging as more often than not, the colour that came out when I mixed them wasn’t what I was expecting.

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One thought on “Exercise 4: Mood Painting”

  1. The scrambled egg looks appetizing! I do like how you incorporate the brushstrokes for your paintings and worked with the colors to create depth and textures! Great improvement~

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