
Already since the beginning of moving images, editing and post-production have played an essential role. An early example which provided insights for a general audience was ‘The Man with a Movie Camera’

He is talking about what we also know called the ‘Kuleshov Effect‘, dating back to 1910.
Watch one of his masterpieces, Rear Window, 1954 and read Roger Ebert’s review. Or at least the trailer. It is very well explained on the fandor-website.
And here are some more insights and observations.
nd for your entertainment – here is a summary of Hitchcock’s cameos.
ot only for editing techniques, he is also well known for the ‘dolly-zoom’ or what is called after his film, the Vertigo Effect. Here is an explanation. Many more analysis have been made about his films – so for instance on Hitchcock’s use of colour.

For now, have a look at this short advertisement and look at the different shots, the camera movement, the framing and the transitions. Do sketch a few of them in a  storyboard (here is a template to download).

Adobe itself offers good and short introductions into the technical aspects of editing.
You can download the handbook as PDF here.

Editing can be done in Premiere or After Effects. As both applications became very complex over the years, I recommend to use the ‘help’ function to find specific support, or search for instance in Effects for what you need. For video editing in Premiere, here are their official tutorials: https://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/how-to/edit-videos.html

Premiere is great for the basic editing, but if you need to work with specific effects, then import the Premiere project in After Effects and continue editing there: https://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/tutorials.html
You have many possibilities like in Photoshop and could also animate multi-layered PSD files.

For the audio, you could start simple editing with Audacity (very easy to use and FREE) http://www.audacityteam.org
For advanced editing, Adobe comes with Audition:

Here is a description of the workflow_for_editing, switiching from one programme to the other in Adobe.

As a final step, colour grading, a final colour correction is applied to match all the individual takes before your Export your video.

PS: I recommend to look into Blender for basic editing, a free software for editing, if you would like to keep working with video and avoid the software expenses. Or DaVinci Resolve might be also a great option!