Week 5: Labour

How have artists made us think about labor? This past weekend, I saw this wonderful intervention by a dance company in Singapore in making us think about the migrant laborers in Singapore. They foregrounded the laborers by placing them on stage, by responding to their poems, and by inviting them to watch this celebration of their lives. Share with the class an image or a article that brings up this issue of labor.

Sam Chin’s photography of workers deemed “Super Heroes” of Singapore left quite an impression. It fun to see how the artist demands us to change the light of our perception through the framework and subject matter of the photograph. Certainly, artists shed insight and awareness and, appreciation of those laboring for our city’s development.

It reminds me of a recent news about a Singaporean house wife giving out fruit weekly, to workers in appreciation of their work.


For me, I think it’s great there’s a level of appreciation and friendliness for these workers, who toil to do these work for us. It kind of still brings up the issue of slavery, and standard of living for these foreign workers.

Nevertheless, I hopeĀ our society can be kind to them, who already have to face hard labor daily.

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I like manga and comics :D

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