Week 6: Family

What is a family portrait? What are some famous family portraits? How would you take a family portrait now?

A family portrait, to me, is … any rendition of.. a unit of people that lives together, be it a photograph, a painting or something even representational.. but by such nature, I think it be a fairly formal depiction, registering and confirming the idea of a family.

I thought a rather contemporary “famous” or rather viral portraits would be this article, comprising of people recreating photos of the past, which is heartwarming and hilarious, affirming, things change and sometimes, some things, don’t change.


Nowadays, cameras are pretty advanced and with the advert of photoshop, you can even insert yourself into a family portrait, even if you’re not there. These days, we would probably use the DSLR or a decent camera, to capture a portrait or to go even more casual, a group selfie with a phone camera could suffice. With the onset of better technology, its become apparent the level of formality and importance of these portraits diminish but certainly, still functions a moment, a time, a place along with the people.


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I like manga and comics :D

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