Category Archives: Process

foam model analyses for the curvilinear assignment



This model from the side view is quite interesting I think. The cone, the SD, is 1/3rd the length of the toilet roll as shown in the second picture. The sphere’s diameter is also 1/3rd that of the height of the cone.

But while the diameter of the cone is between 1/3 and 1/2 of the the diameter of the roll, the diameter of the sphere is too big (about 1/3 of the height of the D when it should be 1/3 of the SD).


Also the shape of this model wasn’t interesting enough to be chosen.


MODEL #2: lampgunTh


This model had problems from both views so I scrapped it. In the side view, while the SD (ping pong ball) is 1/3 the length of the cylindrical D (L), the SO is also 1/3L (length of the D) when it should be 1/3 length of the SD. i.e it’s too big.

On the other hand, while the SO’s diameter is correctly 1/3 the diameter of the sphere (but it looks different in this picture because of the angle), the diameter of the spherical SD is almost the same as the diameter of the D.

Since if i correct one mistake, it will affect the other in terms of keeping the 1:3 proportion, i decided to scrap this.


MODEL #3: FOAM-CASSO (chosen model)


The length of cylinder (SD) is 1/3 the length the cone (D). However, the cone is too large and the diameter of the cone is more than 3 times the diameter of the cylinder and hence the model is not so interesting since the D is too distracting. So for my final model I chose this and reduced the size of the cone for a more organic and interesting shape.