Foundation 3D: String Sculpture

When I was first given the idea of string sculpture, I wanted to make it look as simple as possible, but still, have a few twists and turns in it. My goal was that rather than having too many things for the viewer to comprehend,  I wanted to just have 1 or 2 elements in the sculpture which is so beautifully executed that the viewer would appreciate.

Study Model (Front-view)

As I worked further on my study model, I decided to incorporate the idea of balance into it (Yin Yang, Black & White, Warm & Cool, etc. This inspired me to work on the back of the study model, giving it more of a balance, even when viewed from the side.

Study Model (Back-view)


Since my concept is on balance, I decided to choose warm and cool colours as the idea. I then proceed to work on it into my final piece…

Final Model (Front-View)

The front view of model consists of 2 separate threads forming an ‘X’ sign, one consists of warm colours, while the other consists of cool colours. For the threads at the back, I decided to mix warm and cool colours together, and not separate them like the front threads, to give an idea of the colours mixing and complementing each other well.

Final piece (Side-View)

Final piece (Back-view)

After taking in some advice from my tutor, I decided to make the sides of the plastic sheet more defined and neater since the plastic sheet takes up most of my model. Here it is:

My Final String Sculpture!



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