4D: Sequential Thinking Final


Please excuse the watermark on the video because I’m not a mac user.


The concept of my work sprang from my desire to use old Singapore toys in the video.  The story talks about a girl who dozes off while doing work and dreams about a world of fun and play created by those toys. She then wakes up with an idea on how to proceed on her work because of the dream she had.

In the dream world, the girl descends from a hot air balloon and lands on a snake & ladder piece. She plays the game of snake and ladder and reaches the end of it. With that, a celebratory dance happens (the image with pink background) and the girl wakes up from her dream.

Really enjoyed this project because I could play with old Singapore toys and I had fun shopping for them too heh. I wished I could be more precise with this stringing of the images and even put in sound but oh wellz (sleep is more important).

Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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