FINAL Line Work!

The time has come! It is finally completed!! A Line is a Dot that Went for a Walk, has definitely brought me for a long and fulfilling walk.

(Click on Images to See Them in Detail)


The Breakdown:
All the strips of line works were experimental and results were not planned before hand! Story/meaning behind each strip was created when categorizing the works I had in hand. Categorizing in a way that would work for each emotion. (:

Photo 11-9-15 5 08 43 pm
Anxious ( Inspired by Agnes Martin)

This print strip was created by rolling the monoprint roller on a piece of paper which was placed above the BBQ wire mesh. The paper shifted along the way creating the ‘double-line’ effect. I felt that this would fit Anxious as it looks like the shivering of teeth when one is feeling anxious.

Photo 11-9-15 5 08 43 pm (1)
Agressive ( Inspired by Sam Francis and Agnes Martin)

This strip was created by dipping string into a bowl of ink and then placing then on the paper slightly aggressively. The harsh lines or strokes here mimicked the slashing or canning, as well as a clawed marks, making the lines look aggressive.

Photo 11-9-15 5 08 43 pm (2)

This strip was created using a ‘Wet to Wet’ method, with a spray bottle. After the paper was dampened, black water colour paint was added. The spiralled or curled lines were created using a water colour pencil. The overall look of it look strange and weird to me.

Photo 11-9-15 5 08 43 pm (3)
Exhausted ( Inspired by Jackson Pollock )

This strip was produced with monoprinting. After the black was applied on to the mat, I squeezed and drizzled some white paint on the mat and press a paper over it. The movement of the lines seem to be moving really slowly with the blobs of white on the strip. It reminded me of water on a glass panel. Where water droplet would gather to form a bigger droplet or a puddle. At the same time, a metaphor of accumulating stress which would result to ones exhaustion.

Photo 11-9-15 5 09 03 pm

This strip was made using the crackling method. Where glue was applied first, then white paint, before blow drying it to form cracks. The smaller and bigger cracking effect has made the over all look seem fragile. Just like the paint flakes were about to come off the strip anytime.

Photo 11-9-15 5 09 03 pm (1)

This strip is a collage of one paper at the back and transparency in the front. The lines of the back paper were created using the cling wrap method where paint is painted before twisting the cling wrap on top of the paper. I thought it would be cool to add the transparency in the front as to reflect the reflection of the viewer themselves.

Reason behind was due to the fact that ones embarrassment often draws back to being self conscious (Transparency – reflection of self). And from a first person point of view, the paper at the back symbolizes a cloth to hide behind when feeling ashamed. The lines on the paper behind are going away from the center symbolizing fleeing away from being in the centre of attention. ( I cannot believe that I think so much just from what I thought I could create by adding a transparency film!)

Photo 11-9-15 5 06 42 pmThe reflection of my hand here can be seen on the transparency.

Photo 11-9-15 5 09 20 pm

This strip was made by using the stamp method. This print was made using the string stamp. The weaving pattern of lines are consistent hence systematic.

Photo 11-9-15 5 09 20 pm (1)

This strip is produced using monoprint. The swirls on the right were created by twisting a metal sponge dipped in print ink and the quick strokes on the left were using the same metal sponge. The quick strokes that looked like the splashing of water, together with the swirls which depicted the flow of water, has caused the strip to fall under turbulent.

Photo 11-9-15 5 09 20 pm (2)
Indecisive ( Inspired by Sol Lewitt )

The lines here were hand drawn and they are all point in all directions. Multiple lines were extruding from a single point. Similarly depicting one being indecisive with so much options and possibilities.

Photo 11-9-15 5 00 04 pm

This strip was made by collaging two tracing paper together. The back tracing paper was created by brushing ink strokes while paper was floating on inked water (during marbling method). The front trancing paper has scribbling of words (crazy,mad,insane,lunatic,come,etc) on it.

The scribbles were inspired by an actual psychotic woman written by Emma Hauck in 1909. Page after page she wrote many letters of overlapping text about her husband who left her because of her illness.

Photo 11-9-15 5 00 04 pm (1)

This strip was made using black water colour paint. This is ambiguous as there are two interpretations one can perceive. It can be a flower or a fish.

Photo 11-9-15 5 00 04 pm (2)
Distracted ( Inspired by Agnes Martin )

This strip was made by collaging the ‘cutting and pasting’ of similar monoprints. This image felt like one was being distracted from the oncoming headlights of on coming vehicles.

Photo 11-9-15 5 00 28 pm

This strip was made by gluing strips of tissue paper on a black paper. It gives off a sensual feeling to me with the curved lines and soft nature from the tissue.

Photo 11-9-15 4 59 55 pm

This strip was made using my finger print marks where lines are from from my hands. The result looks neat, yet messy and untidy at the same time.

Photo 11-9-15 5 09 45 pm

This strip was created by using the the blowing paint method. The line created from blowing the paint through a straw were unexpected hence spontaneous in a way that we would not know which direction the lines will dispersed to when blown.

Photo 11-9-15 5 09 36 pm

This strip was produced by monoprint. This was one of the first works I did. It was a monoprint of different materials, placed near and some further apart from each other. I feel that it made no sense.

Photo 11-9-15 5 09 36 pm (1)

This strip was created with a single line. It was an attempt to try out automatic technique and i felt that it fits into this awkward category with odd shapes overlapping each other strangely, aka awkwardly.

Photo 11-9-15 5 09 36 pm (2)

This strip was made with thin and thicker brush markers with variations of line sizes produced when different pressure is applied on brush pen to paper. The combination of the large curves got close at the right with horizontal lines, which directs the movement from left to right. This made me think of sound waves from a smoothing music.IMG_2814
A little selfie with Lea with my work in the background. :p

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