Typography Portrait – Idealization Process of Final

Following up from my previous 2 ideas, I have finally decided on my final one.

Third Idea:
CAR is my nickname.
CAR represents me.
CAR is me.
Now come on board and journey on with me.

1. I run on petrol, I run on food. I am a FOODIE.

– Gives me fuel energy and drive.

First idea: I was inspired by this image below and I did a rough scribble of my take on this. My idea is to form the buildings to the letters, C,A & R. Small cars would drive into the DRIVE THRU and drive out bigger! Colours: RED and YELLOW to subtly relate my viewers to Mcdonalds’ drive through.

062ebcc8645d0045e049798c549923b0 (1)Photo 17-2-16, 3 35 53 AM (1)
Second idea:
To fill the car with my favourite food instead of petrol fuel.

Photo 17-2-16, 3 34 03 AM

2. Wheels like wildfire. I am ADVENTUROUS.

I asked myself, what is adventurous to me? and Roller coasters came to my mind almost instantly as I love roller coaster rides! So what how do I relate roller coasters to/for cars? HotWheels. Thats how I derived my inspiration for this composition.
Hot-Wheels-Logo HWLogoBeautyShotimages
1d2bf26d1b4ec89903ad1aae9ad25827 32347db8a8d919d1b4d9ee2099ff669cSuper Rough sketch:
Photo 17-2-16, 3 33 46 AM
3. My life is in the driver’s hands. I am DEPENDANT.

Using a car’s ‘death’ to show the worst possible outcome of a driver’s single misjudgement. Which is the death of both the driver and car. Shows how a car is dependant on its driver to operate and direct.

Very rough sketch: (masking fluid and colours like red and black to mimic blood shed and petrol spill)

Photo 17-2-16, 3 33 29 AM

4. I mark my tracks, I leave a legacy. I can MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Using real car and toy cars to create track markings or imprints.

1f21e84ce8fe9f3680d72f1c7e3a6bcf tire tracks 4b4b61d2ea9e51ad0e8dcfd9ad876d27 2b6152ad567eecab341c68bf9517ae81
rainstorming work and very rough sketch:

Photo 17-2-16, 3 34 25 AM (1)

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