Journey III

It’s great that my film is coming along well. I really need to work on the script though. After that, the voiceover has to be recorded and mixed in. By this weekend, I will have all my clips and on Sunday the final editing will begin. I’m really loving the editing portion of this assignment.

I’ve never used PremierePro in-depth before such as for colour correction. In poly, it’s always been just rough cuts and then passed on to the assigned editor of the group. Usually, it’s the photography and film enthusiast. So, this experience has taught me more about the power of this software.

I’m excited to do the audio as well. Even though there is not going to be much of it. It’ll be nice to play around with either ProTools or GarageBand again. Anyway, here is a rough cut (without the voiceover so it’s kind of confusing what’s happening right now) of what I have been working on so far.


3 thoughts on “Journey III

  1. Charmaine this looks really good! I really like how you filmed the whole thing (with minimal shakiness wowzers) I agree with Nat- it looks like it’s gonna be quite symbolic and I hope there will be some kind of like mini-reference post on the symbols! (Also what does Hakbang mean?)

  2. I like the colors and the way you capture the shots without showing her face directly. Many scenes are composed so well I like the one when when she looked out the window and close it. Can really feel she is kind of unwilling to face the world outside and chose to hide behind the curtain. I remember when you showed in class the footage of her walking downstairs and it was great too!! Maybe more narration will help us better understand the story.

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