My idea for my final project is to do a live review of a soccer shoe. The problem is that there are already many videos on YouTube that provide comprehensive reviews about soccer shoes. It’s pretty much advertising the product and explaining its features for people who are considering whether or not to buy the shoe. What I want to do is to think of a way to provide a new experience for viewers.

Some of my ideas include:

  • Engaging viewers to ask me specific questions about the shoe so as to create the most in-depth review ever. For example, they can ask me about the measurement of my shoe to see whether it will fit them. Most shoes only provide generic sizes and not actual measurements for the shoe.
  • Doing ‘tests’ of the shoe, such as bending it at different points or different directions. I also had an idea of videoing the effect of dropping a tennis ball onto the shoe to see how much rebound/cushion effect the shoe has.

That’s all that I have so far. Appreciate any ideas or suggestions 🙂