Gestures Sketches


Attempt 1 

  • Observe the line of action(observe the spinal cord)
  • I realized that I had drawn the head too big

CW7.16 CW7.15 CW7.14 CW7.13CW7.11 CW7.12



















Attempt 2

  • Observe the angles of the feet
  • Getting better at the proportions

CW7.21 CW7.22 CW7.23













Attempt 3

  • Attempt to sketch the body shapes
  • Learn to observe the center of gravity (the angle of pelvis and shoulder)

CW7.31 CW7.32 CW7.33 CW7.34 CW7.35 CW7.36 CW7.37 CW7.38 CW7.39































Attempt 4

  • Attempt to draw the ears, and face (show where the person is facing
  • Using the ears, find the neck and shoulders

CW7.41 CW7.42 CW7.43 CW7.44 CW7.45 CW7.46 CW7.47 CW7.48 CW7.49




























  • Draw gestures
  • At least 5 pieces of sketch book papers

I attended the open session from 6 to 9 to do the gestures sketches. Some of the model’s poses are really challenging to draw.

Date: 16 September 2015

Home drawings


  • Do 2 sketches about what home means to you using some of the drawing concepts we have been discussing followed by a final piece of work.
  • Remember: What is intersecting with the edges of the picture plane?
  • How do your marks relate to the concept of the piece and/or how does your composition relate to the concept of the piece?

I think I may have misunderstood the assignment. 🙁 I thought we have to draw 2 drawings of what home means to me.

Sketch 1
I want to draw a bowl of rice as it gives me the feeling of home. Rice is an essential part of a meal and to me, home cooked food is the tastiest food ever. The aroma of freshly cooked rice gives me a very warm and comfortable feeling. The marks on the table is my attempt to make a “halo” around the bowl of rice.

Sketch 2

I drew the view of my house’s shoes rack because it is the first thing I see everyday when I reach home, The feeling of taking off my slippers, shoes or sneakers after a long day of having them on is so comfortable. Also, the shoe rack is filled with shoes and slippers of my family members, which gives me a “homey” feeling.

Date: 2 September 2015

Garden By The Bay (Field trip)


  • Finish up the sketch of the landscape of Garden By The Bay
  • Theme: Human intervention in nature

I drew this because I feel that using nature as a business source is a form of human’s intervention in nature. The picture shows a ticketing booth, where people have to buy tickets to look at the exotic plants from all over the world. The picture also shows the Supertree, which I feel is an innovation from nature.

I tried to use marks for the different plants as they give me different feelings.

Some photos during the field trip to Gardens By The Bay!

Snapchat--8782258779647437042 20150905_102955

Date: 5 September 2015

NUS Art Museum (Field trip)


Class field trip to NUS Art Museum

CW4.11 CW4.10

I feel that I should have drew the face of the man on the right slightly wider. I really like this drawing the moment I saw it therefore I decided to draw it. I really like the lines that the artist have created.

Date: 2 September 2015

1st landscapes


CW3.11 CW3.10


  • Draw boxes using one point perspective
  • Do a sketch of a landscape of a road using one point perspective and other techniques taught
  • What are the techniques used?

Boxes from one point perspective


Sketch of a landscape

Techniques used:

  • One point perspective
  • Atmospheric perspective
  • Relational size/scale
  • Mark making

Date: 26 August 2015

Food still life


Ink drawing of negative spaces of still life objects during tutorial.

Attempt to draw the still life using relationships and angles.


  • 2 negative space drawings of food still life set up from different perspectives
  • Point to point drawing of the food still life set up
  • What this food represents to you?

2 negative space drawings

HW2.10 HW2.11 HW2.12

Point to point drawing


What these food represent to me?

A cup of coffee, milk/soya milk, instant noodles and crackers. These are the essentials for me during major examination periods since Secondary 3. Those times when I burned midnight oil to revise, coffee keeps me focused while instant noodles is my life savior when I was hungry during late at night. Milk/soya milk and crackers are some snacks I had during small breaks. These food actually means a lot to me because they have been helping me survive the ordeal of education. No doubt, they will soon accompany me through my four years of university life too.

Date: 19 August 2015

Sensory drawings



CW1.10Make marks of how I feel about the music that is being played:

  • Soothing classical music
  • Exciting rock music
  • Sad
  • Happy, etc

Make marks about how I feel about the item I touched inside the bag:

  • It was some potato chips.
  • It gives me the “crunchy” feel and also “bumpy” due to the uneven surfaces on the potato chips.


  • Go to the hawker of your choice. Observe with your senses.
  • What affects your sense the most?
  • Name with 1 word or a sentence what do you enjoy?
  • Name with 1 word or a sentence what makes you uncomfortable?
  • Make drawing with marks that represent those feelings.


I went to Maxwell Hawker Center and found that the atmosphere is filled with the aroma of delicacies from various stalls. The many different combinations of scent are pleasant, but soon grow to be overwhelming. Furthermore, the place is crowded and noisy, which annoyed me a little.

Date: 12 August 2015