Home drawings


  • Do 2 sketches about what home means to you using some of the drawing concepts we have been discussing followed by a final piece of work.
  • Remember: What is intersecting with the edges of the picture plane?
  • How do your marks relate to the concept of the piece and/or how does your composition relate to the concept of the piece?

I think I may have misunderstood the assignment. 🙁 I thought we have to draw 2 drawings of what home means to me.

Sketch 1
I want to draw a bowl of rice as it gives me the feeling of home. Rice is an essential part of a meal and to me, home cooked food is the tastiest food ever. The aroma of freshly cooked rice gives me a very warm and comfortable feeling. The marks on the table is my attempt to make a “halo” around the bowl of rice.

Sketch 2

I drew the view of my house’s shoes rack because it is the first thing I see everyday when I reach home, The feeling of taking off my slippers, shoes or sneakers after a long day of having them on is so comfortable. Also, the shoe rack is filled with shoes and slippers of my family members, which gives me a “homey” feeling.

Date: 2 September 2015

Author: Michelle Goh

I love coffee.

One thought on “Home drawings”

  1. I really like how you had a different input about the assignment and not a typical sketch of just home itself. The bowl of rice is a very interesting view of what home means to you, good job ^^

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