“Forrest Gump” Final

23 October 2016

It has been a fruitful session, looking at my fellow classmates’ designs, and listening to their concept. Assignment 2 is quite an unpredictable process, as I did not have any idea from the start, till now having my final design. Additionally, the emulsion and printing the design on the screen can only be done during class, where there is supervision. Which makes the time to get the final design out shorter. After all the struggle and dead brain cells, this is my final outcome.


My designs are base on two quotes:

1.  People call those imperfection, but no, that’s the good stuff. – Good Will Hunting (1997)

2. She loved mysteries so much, that she became one. – Paper Towns (2015)

Only the last design narrates the second quote. The concept for this design is to let viewers know that this figure is a mystery. That’s why i fill it with different elements of mystery. For the other 3 designs, they are base on the concept of using imperfect items and incorporate the positive elements to it.. Below is my final design. The hole in the center of the heart makes it imperfect and I chose dandelions to grow in the hole. AS it helps to show the good part in the design. 




Till next post! Ciao





3D Assignment 3: Morpho Structure

23 October 2016

For Assignment 3: Morphogenetic Construction, my modular structure is base on Pollen.


Acanthus Pollen

Acanthus plants are native to tropical and warm temperate regions. Their name is derived from Greek term for the Acanthus mollis, Akanthos. 

I have chosen Pollen due to it’s structure. However the making of it gave me a tough time, as I do not know how to attach the center piece to the exterior. In the end, I resolve to tying the exterior and interior together.


This is the interior of the sphere. For the sphere, I first blew a balloon and did paper mache over it. After it’s dried, I painted it pink and finally stick the small Styrofoam balls on the surface.


For the exterior, I also blew a balloon and wrapped cling wrap around. Next I used hot glue gun to create the geometric shape of the structure.  However, I did the exterior in halves. The above photo shows how it looks like for the first half. After that, I popped the balloon inside and recreate the second half.


Finally, this is my final outcome after I tie the interior structure with the exterior halves. 

It was a really tough to recreate the model, as I do not know if it will work and if the materials are solid enough to sustain.

Overall I felt great achievement finishing this model and I have learnt some new techniques along the way, like the paper mache.

Till next post! Ciao!

First Silkscreeeeen Attempt

11 Oct 2016

This time, for 2D Assignment 2: Forrest Gump, it requires us to do 4 designs and one of it will be on a tote bag. Base on movie quotes to do a design wrecks the brain cells in me. Which I am very thankful for the invention of online sharing platforms like Pinterest, which has tons of interesting designs to research on.

For the class last week, I had the chance to test print my design on cartridge paper. 


This is the design that I test printed, as among the other designs, this art piece’s outcome is the most unpredictable.


This is first time I inked it on the paper, which I brush 3 times over the silkscreen.


My second attempt, which was much better, as I only brush once. 

This session helps me to know that, shades are hard to be seen during the silkscreen process. Which lets me know what adjustments I should do to my final design for better outcome. 

More work for my designs!!!

Till next post! Ciao!

Truth behind the Walls

3 October 2016

My Assignment 2 relates to the known and unknown in life. Some people choose to neglect the unknown in life and assume the fact. Some people desperately wants to know the truth behind the unknown. My narrative story for Assignment 2 cast this 2 opposites, and how one eventually understands the other.

Title: Truth behind the Walls

Synopsis: A man, Mr. Peterson, stayed in a Motel room for 7 years and never left the room. Rumors were spread about it. A journalist, Mr. Kurt, happen to be staying in that Motel, and heard people conversing about it. In the middle of the night, unable to sleep, Mr. Kurt decided to know the truth behind those walls.

Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Narrative

(plug-in your headphones for better audio experience)

Most of my shots were close-ups or mid shots, as I want to portray the intensity and show the details in the photos. I used chiaroscuro lighting to suit the thriller, mystery genre, and I felt that it suits the mood of the story. 

This story’s moral may not be agreed by everyone, however it is more of breaking the conventional thinking, and looking from a different perspective.

Overall, this assignment gave me some nerve-wrecking moments. From changing of story, to unable to find location, to finding the right sound for my narration and music. Although there’s a lot of improvement needed for my Assignment, but I manage to, sort of, bring the story to the audience.

Till next post! Ciao!