I went on looking for footages to pair with the audio, the choice of almost-still images is to capture the scenes of mundane we see in the everyday life in Singapore, as well as to minimise distraction from the audio, below are the stills from the clips. (BUT TOO LAZY TO EDIT THEM FOR THE POST OOPS)

About moving abroad

hoping for the better but not actually knowing what’s in storeĀ 

it’s a billboard near my house for the new condo, the promising future we had in mind before moving abroad is often crushed by the harsh reality, here the idealistic nature of advertisement captures that naive hopefulness

About calling home from abroad

distancing from the family and friends

This is the public phone under HDB, sometimes I see foreign workers using them



About Asian food and home-cooked meal

Featuring mama Lin

Before Meredith mentioned, I didn’t notice how the hawker centre’s always filled with Chinese, she said she felt weird and alienated ordering food at hawker centre

(now that i think about it i probably could use editing and composition to make it look more overwhelming )


I was interviewing Meredith on the 28th , and she had to check the calendar before realising that it’s Chinese New Year for her

Also here’s the MOST HORRIBLE attempt at lou hei by my friends

Ms Huang Talking about settling here

being welcomed and finding purpose.

I wanted to use the windmill spinning fast in a stormy day to show that , like how Ms Huang did, sometimes we find our work more meaningful in more difficult environment

About being alienated, being neglected