Report 2 – Week 3

dreamweaverDuring the meeting with Prof Chua this week, he recommended me to go deeper in WordPress because theme only deals with user interface and is not very relevant to database or MySQL. He also advised that I should read some books about WordPress and Dreamweaver to have better understanding of them. I have found some copy of the relevant books and I will read it probably after I finished these two weeks’ work.

As decided in the Friday meeting, I will build a theme on my local server in the next two weeks. I decided not to install MAMP now because I am working well on my BitNaMi server and I can install MAMP later if there is really some problem about BitNaMi that I cannot solve.

I don’t have an overall detailed design in my head, but have some ideas for parts of it. So this two weeks will be more like an explore, to try different things so that the outcome will be pleasant. I will write more about it in the next post.

One comment on “Report 2 – Week 3

  1. Very funny!

    Here are two WordPress books I have purchased:
    — Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog by Thord Daniel Hedengren
    — WordPress Websites Step-by-Step by Caimin Jones
    — Professional WordPress: Design and Development by Brad Williams

    You might want to detail your ideas in the blog post rather than just referring to them. What ideas do you have and how are you going to approach their realization? What are the challenges? What code functions do you need to learn? These are some of the items you want to detail in your posts, so you keep track of details. Then in the blog post, document how you solved those problems and give specific examples of code, screenshots, etc.

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