The Journey

Round 3°

High up in the sky, amber yellowish clouds floated densely together just above the majestic ocean. In the midst of these puffy clouds, there lived a small and queer yet bustling village, hidden from plain sight.

Out of my window I heard, a bunch of quick air-light footstep approaching all the houses as the clock ticks closer to 6 o’clock These weird creatures that our town kept as stray pets often roamed its streets, mostly hanging out in the front yard of the shopkeeper’s inn. They would wait there patiently for treats, excitedly humming tunes as they breathe out tiny pink puffs of smoke. The journey began when this village started heading southwest across the sea, drawing closer into the thunderstorm district.

On one early morning, as I woke up from one of my sweetest naps, I spotted a drop of golden rain splatter across the tar road right outside my window.

Moments later, a huge rain of dazzling golden shower began to pour.  It seemed like a glorious sight but was actually, in fact, an implacable deadly downpour. A strange intoxicating scent wafted like wildfire across the entire town. Everything was turning sour and ugly…..