All posts by Clara


Week 3 Response

The author uses her study on HCMC’s sidewalks to recommend a more holistic approach in designing the use and their regulations regarding public space. An integrated study is done to observe both the people and how they interact with that space. This also involves interviews done at the site to further understand the meaning and usage of that space. It is done to bridge both the functional engineering approach with the more visual and experience-oriented design approach. Awareness and openness are key attitudes to have during problem solving. As stated in the chapter, mapping can be a technique to “bring about conscious awareness and comprehension.” However, it is hard for me to visualise a map other than the typical version used for locating/ transporting purposes due to lack of exposure to other kinds of maps. As an aid, the writer at the end of the chapter gives questions to ask with regards to analysing maps and I find this helpful.

This writing, at the same time, triggers consciousness about the sidewalks in our own country and who is permitted to use them and in what way. Most Singaporeans walk along the sidewalk during commute. Those who are stationed there are usually licensed tissue sellers, ice cream vendors, and buskers (mostly the old). People are also hired to solicit business (e.g. property, insurance, memberships). There are also pop-up stores launching a new product or promotional items or sales. Students could be asking for donations with their tin cans.  All these require permits by the authority. Those who wait by the roads freely could be looking for a taxi or conducting a survey. Sidewalks in Singapore are rarely waiting points due to the small spaces and the unwritten social rule to be considerate and not block people’s paths.  Perhaps in HCMC there is a tolerance for more sidewalk “obstructions” due to their culture and mindset of what is acceptable and what is not.


Is cartography considered infographics? Infographics, in my mind, is also a way to represent data collected visually.

According to the author, mapping was multifunctional as it was both used to represent data as well as to improve research processes. For which purposes/researches would mapping be the best technique?