Tag Archives: moving images

Moving Images – Framing

The story of getting a haircut at Renaissance Barber & Co.

I did not exactly create a traditional storyline but more of a documentary approach that was progressive. Here, it shows the different expressions and stages the customer is carefully going through to reach the endpoint which is a fresh new look.

I personally feel the 16:9 cropping really helps to make an ordinary documentation give a more cinematic effect. I also tried playing with a lot of different angles of the close ups with only one establishing shot as I didn’t have much space to move around.

Overall I felt doing some planning into your story board and framing will help a fair bit once you start shooting!

Also as was mentioned in feedback, I left the last frame as the photo of the hair on the floor as opposed to the washing hair scene and felt it made a better ending.

Moving Images – GIFs

For this assignment for moving images, I did not want to create something where it was directly in your face and you could see what was moving and what was not. I was more interested in creating images there were more subtle and you really had to wait to see.

Instead of creating just one solid gif, I took a few and explored the possibilities. Out from the few these were my two favourites which was the reflection from the cafe glass window and the shadow of somebody while waiting for the traffic light.

The only problem I encountered was that my gif was not as smooth as I didn’t have a tripod with me so masking was a little difficult and that instead of importing it into frames, I did it as a video but Photoshop wouldn’t export it. Luckily, I have found out a way.

All in all it was fun creating cinemagrahs and I hope to do more!