Tag Archives: dream

Research 03: Kiss Kiss

What is a Third Space? Or rather, what is the Third Space? A virtual realm where two parties can interact without being physically present — is too much of a superficial definition for what the Third Space is. I sent someone an email. The person who received it read my mail hours later and responded to it. I returned later and received said respond. Are we communicating in the Third Space then since both of us are not physically present and are interacting virtually?

The Third Space is more than just a virtual realm for communication. For a Third Space to exist, there has to be a direct, spontaneous and intimate yet non-physical contact for parties involved within. Speaking on the phone with you friend — you can hear his/her voices (as they sound in real life) and what he/she says on the other end will transmit directly to you ears without delay. It is as if both of you are speaking to each others in real life sans the physical body. Telematics is neither art nor science. It is human progress. And contemporary technology bring this discipline of telematics to advance an even higher form by allowing you to receive more than just the voice of one another.

The Kiss (2007) by Annie Abrahams is an installation artworks that allows two parties to “kiss each other on the lips” via two camera projections on screen despite both party being at different locations. It feels as much as like a real kiss sans the tangibility!

Similar to Hole in Space, Sherrie Rabinowtiz & Kit Galloway (1980), Telematic Dreaming made use of primitive online relay system to create a Third Space. But in The Kiss, the Third Space also becomes a space of private intimacy. The lips is where we have the closest *non-so-explicit* contact we could have with a partner (if any). The Kiss pushes the “touch” factor of the Third Space, planting the audience directly into a physical epitome of intimacy and comfort.

“You think sitting in front of your computer on your chair is comfort? Try laying your lips on mine!”

Now, we can even be in the Third Space with guest from 6 feet under.

Holographic performance (2012) by Tupac (dead in 1996). Granted all his actions was pre-recorded or animated.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9vINyFgnrQ (NSFW)
Be in the third space with a passing love one at www.seemerot.com! (less talking and more watching people rot though). Unfortunately such website is a hoax. Maybe a real one exist some one deep in the bowels of the internet. Who knows?

It’s great to meet someone without having to actually meet someone. Especially if a love one or friend is on the other side of the globe or are too busy to meet in person. Maybe even learn a language or two!

But such luxury,the advent of the Third Space, has brings an issue of pushing actual physical contact to obscurity. Complacency is a human condition that all of us have. And the convenience of the Third Space may have made us less incline to meet up physically. 1 out of 4 people spend more time on the virtual realm than in real life.  Why bother meeting at McDonald’s if we can meet in our Macbooks right?

Furthermore, the Third Space can be altered and manipulated.

Third Space– indeed a place full of joy and laughter. Thus we have so many cases of online dating scams.

If the movie Catfish (2010) proves something, it has to be that online persona can be easily stolen or fabricated. So… sometimes it’s best to at least have physical meetup with someone before confirming they actually exist beyond the Third Space.

Of course with proper management and awareness, all of us should be able to enjoy the Third Space without having to worry if our party on the other side is a homicidal maniac. Simply do not forget that the internet can be a putrid horrorland as much as a wonderland!