Obligate Cannibals Fan-Fiction

The Man Who Feasted on Gods

 It has been a month since that fateful day.


The day he escaped the fire, the chanting crowd, the ropes that bounded him to his fate of being an Omega due for sacrifice.

He was hateful and hungry. He never understood the things that people worshipped as “Gods”. As an Omega, he was taught that people once ate these Gods called animals. It was common belief that, as atonement, people had to eat as many humans as they did animals.

“Sacrifice, you. Until Gods, forgive.” The religious seer often preached.

He questioned how people could believe in these non-existing creatures but alas, as an offspring of a specie infected by Kuru, he could never grasp his own thoughts. He hated the people, he hated the Gods he didn’t believe in, but all he knew was what he felt physically; the heavy breaths, the burning sensations in his chest, the water that flows unstoppably from his eyes and the instincts to kill when the Gods were mentioned.

With the luck of an Alpha acting up and rendering chaos during the ritual to sacrifice him, he escaped and was barely saved by a stream before his body collapsed from dehydration and weariness.

He wasn’t the only one drinking from the stream. His eyes dilated with disbelief as he spots a weird, thing. Something he had only saw in pictures all his life. It was small, barely the size of his forearm. It was a ball of fur, which was a relic only seen in the shrines. Only the fur in the shrines didn’t move, didn’t breathe. His hands tightly gripped the river bank.

untitled_artwork3It was what they called, a God. The instincts to kill flowed through his arteries and overruled his weariness. His senses sharpened and he pounced, teeth barbarically sinking into the neck of the animal. He skinned the creature and tore into its raw flesh, only then remembering that the people had always put bloody meat over a fire before feasting.


He scavenged the grounds and conveniently found an old campsite, along with a strange burrow near it.

That was a month ago.

Now, tucked away in the thick foliage of the tropical plantation, right beside the stream was his well-camouflaged home. A deep growl sounded from within the foliage.

“Come.” His authoritative voice commanded as he walks out of his hideout, towards where the main population lived. With some hesitation, the growling beast complied. The beast was muscular, the length of its arms rivalled that of a gorilla’s and its conduct mirrored the alpha of a pack. It was a tanned Alpha male human.

Hunters hunted around the area within the month. He stayed hidden initially because he was a mere, afraid and unskilled Omega. Eventually, he unintentionally discovers the possibility to tame the animalistic Alpha hunters. All he needed was meat. He stayed concealed as he had his tamed-hunter duel offensive-hunters that roamed the forest. The winning hunter would simply feed on the loser, and he would tame any new winners.

It was a working system and he had newfound clarity from feeding on the hateful Gods daily. It wasn’t just about killing them because he hated them. It was the full body experience of sinking his teeth into the so-called Gods, inhaling their souls and absorbing their powers. Slowly but surely, the frequency of his tremors decreased drastically, the boulder of depression was slowly lifting off his chest and there were rarely any signs of hysteria within the past weeks. He started to be able to comprehend and think, albeit the worshipping of these Gods became even more unacceptable to him because they were such lowly, weak and pest-like creatures. His hate was refueled every time he fed.

He wanted to devour all the Gods.


“WHO, IS, YOUR, GOD?” He bellowed as he threw the carcass of a God into the village, then taking a ferocious bite out of a cooked one he had in his other hand.

Mouth still full with the godly flesh, he yelled a war cry and a pack of familiar Alphas, ones that still belonged to the community just weeks ago, came charging in. His army was expectedly overwhelming. The community unsuspectedly kept sending out new Alphas to hunt when their Alphas didn’t return, only because they were murdered in duel or tamed to become part of the now attacking army.

The Alphas fed.

The Betas mostly prayed.

While the Omegas were rallied and led to the burrow.

It was finally his moment. The moment to prove his disbelief was right. The moment to show the people of his kind a new feeling they had never experienced, a feeling called hope that will free them of their destinies.

“Dig, and you will find the truth. Fuck the Gods. Today, we Omegas will eat them all.” He said.