01 / therapeutic graphics: final

process posts: 1 2

fvd1 fvd2sat

My work focuses on bringing the familiar aspects of the ordinary Singapore heartland to the hospital, providing comfort to the patients and staff who spend most of their time away from home. The windows into a more homely environment elsewhere, shape the sterile and stressful environment of the hospital into something warmer. At the same time, it provides a Singapore flavour which is unique only to Singapore hospitals.

Stray cats are often found around the heartland, in environment close to people. The presence of the cats in my illustrations hopefully act as a bridge for the viewers to be drawn in, like how anyone would stop and slow down to watch the cats resting or moving around at their void decks.

The illustrations were done on Photoshop, with more organic strokes and bright colours to bring a less rigid and restrictive feeling to the images.